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Launching new servers with SSL certificates

Short description

docker compose certbot configurations with Backward compatibility (without certbot container).
Use docker compose --profile certbot up to use this features.

The simplest way for launching new servers with SSL certificates

  1. Get letsencrypt certs
    set .env values
    execute command:
    docker network prune
    docker compose --profile certbot up --force-recreate -d
    then after the containers launched:
    docker compose exec -it certbot /bin/sh /update-cert.sh
  2. Edit .env file and docker compose --profile certbot up again.
    set .env value additionally
    execute command:
    docker compose --profile certbot up -d --no-deps --force-recreate nginx
    Then you can access your serve with HTTPS.

SSL certificates renewal

For SSL certificates renewal, execute commands below:

docker compose exec -it certbot /bin/sh /update-cert.sh
docker compose exec nginx nginx -s reload

Options for certbot

CERTBOT_OPTIONS key might be helpful for testing. i.e.,


To apply changes to CERTBOT_OPTIONS, regenerate the certbot container before updating the certificates.

docker compose --profile certbot up -d --no-deps --force-recreate certbot
docker compose exec -it certbot /bin/sh /update-cert.sh

Then, reload the nginx container if necessary.

docker compose exec nginx nginx -s reload

For legacy servers

To use cert files dir nginx/ssl as before, simply launch containers WITHOUT --profile certbot option.

docker compose up -d