mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 08:11:16 +08:00
fix: 更改frp配置文件为toml格式 (#496)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
server_addr =
server_port = 7000
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 22
remote_port = 6000
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
serverAddr = ""
serverPort = 7000
name = "ssh"
type = "tcp"
localIP = ""
localPort = 22
remotePort = 6001
@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
# [common] is integral section
# A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed
# in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80"
# For single "server_addr" field, no need square brackets, like "server_addr = ::".
server_addr =
server_port = 7000
# The maximum amount of time a dial to server will wait for a connect to complete. Default value is 10 seconds.
# dial_server_timeout = 10
# dial_server_keepalive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps.
# If negative, keep-alive probes are disabled.
# dial_server_keepalive = 7200
# if you want to connect frps by http proxy or socks5 proxy or ntlm proxy, you can set http_proxy here or in global environment variables
# it only works when protocol is tcp
# http_proxy = http://user:passwd@
# http_proxy = socks5://user:passwd@
# http_proxy = ntlm://user:passwd@
# console or real logFile path like ./frpc.log
log_file = ./frpc.log
# trace, debug, info, warn, error
log_level = info
log_max_days = 3
# disable log colors when log_file is console, default is false
disable_log_color = false
# for authentication, should be same as your frps.ini
# authenticate_heartbeats specifies whether to include authentication token in heartbeats sent to frps. By default, this value is false.
authenticate_heartbeats = false
# authenticate_new_work_conns specifies whether to include authentication token in new work connections sent to frps. By default, this value is false.
authenticate_new_work_conns = false
# auth token
token = 12345678
authentication_method =
# oidc_client_id specifies the client ID to use to get a token in OIDC authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc".
# By default, this value is "".
oidc_client_id =
# oidc_client_secret specifies the client secret to use to get a token in OIDC authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc".
# By default, this value is "".
oidc_client_secret =
# oidc_audience specifies the audience of the token in OIDC authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is "".
oidc_audience =
# oidc_scope specifies the permisssions of the token in OIDC authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is "".
oidc_scope =
# oidc_token_endpoint_url specifies the URL which implements OIDC Token Endpoint.
# It will be used to get an OIDC token if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is "".
oidc_token_endpoint_url =
# oidc_additional_xxx specifies additional parameters to be sent to the OIDC Token Endpoint.
# For example, if you want to specify the "audience" parameter, you can set as follow.
# frp will add "audience=<value>" "var1=<value>" to the additional parameters.
# oidc_additional_audience = https://dev.auth.com/api/v2/
# oidc_additional_var1 = foobar
# set admin address for control frpc's action by http api such as reload
admin_addr =
admin_port = 7400
admin_user = admin
admin_pwd = admin
# Admin assets directory. By default, these assets are bundled with frpc.
# assets_dir = ./static
# connections will be established in advance, default value is zero
pool_count = 5
# if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true, it must be same with frps
# tcp_mux = true
# specify keep alive interval for tcp mux.
# only valid if tcp_mux is true.
# tcp_mux_keepalive_interval = 60
# your proxy name will be changed to {user}.{proxy}
user = your_name
# decide if exit program when first login failed, otherwise continuous relogin to frps
# default is true
login_fail_exit = true
# communication protocol used to connect to server
# supports tcp, kcp, quic and websocket now, default is tcp
protocol = tcp
# set client binding ip when connect server, default is empty.
# only when protocol = tcp or websocket, the value will be used.
connect_server_local_ip =
# quic protocol options
# quic_keepalive_period = 10
# quic_max_idle_timeout = 30
# quic_max_incoming_streams = 100000
# if tls_enable is true, frpc will connect frps by tls
tls_enable = true
# tls_cert_file = client.crt
# tls_key_file = client.key
# tls_trusted_ca_file = ca.crt
# tls_server_name = example.com
# specify a dns server, so frpc will use this instead of default one
# dns_server =
# proxy names you want to start separated by ','
# default is empty, means all proxies
# start = ssh,dns
# heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
# The default value of heartbeat_interval is 10 and heartbeat_timeout is 90. Set negative value
# to disable it.
# heartbeat_interval = 30
# heartbeat_timeout = 90
# additional meta info for client
meta_var1 = 123
meta_var2 = 234
# specify udp packet size, unit is byte. If not set, the default value is 1500.
# This parameter should be same between client and server.
# It affects the udp and sudp proxy.
udp_packet_size = 1500
# include other config files for proxies.
# includes = ./confd/*.ini
# By default, frpc will connect frps with first custom byte if tls is enabled.
# If DisableCustomTLSFirstByte is true, frpc will not send that custom byte.
disable_custom_tls_first_byte = false
# Enable golang pprof handlers in admin listener.
# Admin port must be set first.
pprof_enable = false
# 'ssh' is the unique proxy name
# if user in [common] section is not empty, it will be changed to {user}.{proxy} such as 'your_name.ssh'
# tcp | udp | http | https | stcp | xtcp, default is tcp
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 22
# limit bandwidth for this proxy, unit is KB and MB
bandwidth_limit = 1MB
# where to limit bandwidth, can be 'client' or 'server', default is 'client'
bandwidth_limit_mode = client
# true or false, if true, messages between frps and frpc will be encrypted, default is false
use_encryption = false
# if true, message will be compressed
use_compression = false
# remote port listen by frps
remote_port = 6001
# frps will load balancing connections for proxies in same group
group = test_group
# group should have same group key
group_key = 123456
# enable health check for the backend service, it support 'tcp' and 'http' now
# frpc will connect local service's port to detect it's healthy status
health_check_type = tcp
# health check connection timeout
health_check_timeout_s = 3
# if continuous failed in 3 times, the proxy will be removed from frps
health_check_max_failed = 3
# every 10 seconds will do a health check
health_check_interval_s = 10
# additional meta info for each proxy
meta_var1 = 123
meta_var2 = 234
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 22
# if remote_port is 0, frps will assign a random port for you
remote_port = 0
# if you want to expose multiple ports, add 'range:' prefix to the section name
# frpc will generate multiple proxies such as 'tcp_port_6010', 'tcp_port_6011' and so on.
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 6010-6020,6022,6024-6028
remote_port = 6010-6020,6022,6024-6028
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
type = udp
local_ip =
local_port = 53
remote_port = 6002
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
type = udp
local_ip =
local_port = 6010-6020
remote_port = 6010-6020
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
# Resolve your domain names to [server_addr] so you can use http://web01.yourdomain.com to browse web01 and http://web02.yourdomain.com to browse web02
type = http
local_ip =
local_port = 80
use_encryption = false
use_compression = true
# http username and password are safety certification for http protocol
# if not set, you can access this custom_domains without certification
http_user = admin
http_pwd = admin
# if domain for frps is frps.com, then you can access [web01] proxy by URL http://web01.frps.com
subdomain = web01
custom_domains = web01.yourdomain.com
# locations is only available for http type
locations = /,/pic
# route requests to this service if http basic auto user is abc
# route_by_http_user = abc
host_header_rewrite = example.com
# params with prefix "header_" will be used to update http request headers
header_X-From-Where = frp
health_check_type = http
# frpc will send a GET http request '/status' to local http service
# http service is alive when it return 2xx http response code
health_check_url = /status
health_check_interval_s = 10
health_check_max_failed = 3
health_check_timeout_s = 3
type = https
local_ip =
local_port = 8000
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
subdomain = web01
custom_domains = web02.yourdomain.com
# if not empty, frpc will use proxy protocol to transfer connection info to your local service
# v1 or v2 or empty
proxy_protocol_version = v2
type = tcp
remote_port = 6003
# if plugin is defined, local_ip and local_port is useless
# plugin will handle connections got from frps
plugin = unix_domain_socket
# params with prefix "plugin_" that plugin needed
plugin_unix_path = /var/run/docker.sock
type = tcp
remote_port = 6004
plugin = http_proxy
plugin_http_user = abc
plugin_http_passwd = abc
type = tcp
remote_port = 6005
plugin = socks5
plugin_user = abc
plugin_passwd = abc
type = tcp
remote_port = 6006
plugin = static_file
plugin_local_path = /var/www/blog
plugin_strip_prefix = static
plugin_http_user = abc
plugin_http_passwd = abc
type = https
custom_domains = test.yourdomain.com
plugin = https2http
plugin_local_addr =
plugin_crt_path = ./server.crt
plugin_key_path = ./server.key
plugin_host_header_rewrite =
plugin_header_X-From-Where = frp
type = https
custom_domains = test.yourdomain.com
plugin = https2https
plugin_local_addr =
plugin_crt_path = ./server.crt
plugin_key_path = ./server.key
plugin_host_header_rewrite =
plugin_header_X-From-Where = frp
type = http
custom_domains = test.yourdomain.com
plugin = http2https
plugin_local_addr =
plugin_host_header_rewrite =
plugin_header_X-From-Where = frp
# If the type is secret tcp, remote_port is useless
# Who want to connect local port should deploy another frpc with stcp proxy and role is visitor
type = stcp
# sk used for authentication for visitors
sk = abcdefg
local_ip =
local_port = 22
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
# user of frpc should be same in both stcp server and stcp visitor
# frpc role visitor -> frps -> frpc role server
role = visitor
type = stcp
# the server name you want to visitor
server_name = secret_tcp
sk = abcdefg
# connect this address to visitor stcp server
bind_addr =
bind_port = 9000
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
type = xtcp
sk = abcdefg
local_ip =
local_port = 22
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
role = visitor
type = xtcp
server_name = p2p_tcp
sk = abcdefg
bind_addr =
bind_port = 9001
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
type = tcpmux
multiplexer = httpconnect
local_ip =
local_port = 10701
custom_domains = tunnel1
# route_by_http_user = user1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
# your proxy name will be changed to {user}.{proxy}
user = "your_name"
# A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed
# in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80"
# For single serverAddr field, no need square brackets, like serverAddr = "::".
serverAddr = ""
serverPort = 7000
# STUN server to help penetrate NAT hole.
# natHoleStunServer = "stun.easyvoip.com:3478"
# Decide if exit program when first login failed, otherwise continuous relogin to frps
# default is true
loginFailExit = true
# console or real logFile path like ./frpc.log
log.to = "./frpc.log"
# trace, debug, info, warn, error
log.level = "info"
log.maxDays = 3
# disable log colors when log.to is console, default is false
log.disablePrintColor = false
auth.method = "token"
# auth.additionalScopes specifies additional scopes to include authentication information.
# Optional values are HeartBeats, NewWorkConns.
# auth.additionalScopes = ["HeartBeats", "NewWorkConns"]
# auth token
auth.token = "12345678"
# oidc.clientID specifies the client ID to use to get a token in OIDC authentication.
# auth.oidc.clientID = ""
# oidc.clientSecret specifies the client secret to use to get a token in OIDC authentication.
# auth.oidc.clientSecret = ""
# oidc.audience specifies the audience of the token in OIDC authentication.
# auth.oidc.audience = ""
# oidc_scope specifies the permisssions of the token in OIDC authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is "".
# auth.oidc.scope = ""
# oidc.tokenEndpointURL specifies the URL which implements OIDC Token Endpoint.
# It will be used to get an OIDC token.
# auth.oidc.tokenEndpointURL = ""
# oidc.additionalEndpointParams specifies additional parameters to be sent to the OIDC Token Endpoint.
# For example, if you want to specify the "audience" parameter, you can set as follow.
# frp will add "audience=<value>" "var1=<value>" to the additional parameters.
# auth.oidc.additionalEndpointParams.audience = "https://dev.auth.com/api/v2/"
# auth.oidc.additionalEndpointParams.var1 = "foobar"
# Set admin address for control frpc's action by http api such as reload
webServer.addr = ""
webServer.port = 7400
webServer.user = "admin"
webServer.password = "admin"
# Admin assets directory. By default, these assets are bundled with frpc.
# webServer.assetsDir = "./static"
# Enable golang pprof handlers in admin listener.
webServer.pprofEnable = false
# The maximum amount of time a dial to server will wait for a connect to complete. Default value is 10 seconds.
# transport.dialServerTimeout = 10
# dialServerKeepalive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps.
# If negative, keep-alive probes are disabled.
# transport.dialServerKeepalive = 7200
# connections will be established in advance, default value is zero
transport.poolCount = 5
# If tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true, it must be same with frps
# transport.tcpMux = true
# Specify keep alive interval for tcp mux.
# only valid if tcpMux is enabled.
# transport.tcpMuxKeepaliveInterval = 60
# Communication protocol used to connect to server
# supports tcp, kcp, quic, websocket and wss now, default is tcp
transport.protocol = "tcp"
# set client binding ip when connect server, default is empty.
# only when protocol = tcp or websocket, the value will be used.
transport.connectServerLocalIP = ""
# if you want to connect frps by http proxy or socks5 proxy or ntlm proxy, you can set proxyURL here or in global environment variables
# it only works when protocol is tcp
# transport.proxyURL = "http://user:passwd@"
# transport.proxyURL = "socks5://user:passwd@"
# transport.proxyURL = "ntlm://user:passwd@"
# quic protocol options
# transport.quic.keepalivePeriod = 10
# transport.quic.maxIdleTimeout = 30
# transport.quic.maxIncomingStreams = 100000
# If tls.enable is true, frpc will connect frps by tls.
# Since v0.50.0, the default value has been changed to true, and tls is enabled by default.
transport.tls.enable = true
# transport.tls.certFile = "client.crt"
# transport.tls.keyFile = "client.key"
# transport.tls.trustedCaFile = "ca.crt"
# transport.tls.serverName = "example.com"
# If the disableCustomTLSFirstByte is set to false, frpc will establish a connection with frps using the
# first custom byte when tls is enabled.
# Since v0.50.0, the default value has been changed to true, and the first custom byte is disabled by default.
# transport.tls.disableCustomTLSFirstByte = true
# Heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value.
# The default value of heartbeat_interval is 10 and heartbeat_timeout is 90. Set negative value
# to disable it.
# transport.heartbeatInterval = 30
# transport.heartbeatTimeout = 90
# Specify a dns server, so frpc will use this instead of default one
# dnsServer = ""
# Proxy names you want to start.
# Default is empty, means all proxies.
# start = ["ssh", "dns"]
# Specify udp packet size, unit is byte. If not set, the default value is 1500.
# This parameter should be same between client and server.
# It affects the udp and sudp proxy.
udpPacketSize = 1500
# Additional metadatas for client.
metadatas.var1 = "abc"
metadatas.var2 = "123"
# Include other config files for proxies.
# includes = ["./confd/*.ini"]
# 'ssh' is the unique proxy name
# If global user is not empty, it will be changed to {user}.{proxy} such as 'your_name.ssh'
name = "ssh"
type = "tcp"
localIP = ""
localPort = 22
# Limit bandwidth for this proxy, unit is KB and MB
transport.bandwidthLimit = "1MB"
# Where to limit bandwidth, can be 'client' or 'server', default is 'client'
transport.bandwidthLimitMode = "client"
# If true, traffic of this proxy will be encrypted, default is false
transport.useEncryption = false
# If true, traffic will be compressed
transport.useCompression = false
# Remote port listen by frps
remotePort = 6001
# frps will load balancing connections for proxies in same group
loadBalancer.group = "test_group"
# group should have same group key
loadBalancer.groupKey = "123456"
# Enable health check for the backend service, it supports 'tcp' and 'http' now.
# frpc will connect local service's port to detect it's healthy status
healthCheck.type = "tcp"
# Health check connection timeout
healthCheck.timeoutSeconds = 3
# If continuous failed in 3 times, the proxy will be removed from frps
healthCheck.maxFailed = 3
# every 10 seconds will do a health check
healthCheck.intervalSeconds = 10
# additional meta info for each proxy
metadatas.var1 = "abc"
metadatas.var2 = "123"
name = "ssh_random"
type = "tcp"
localIP = ""
localPort = 22
# If remote_port is 0, frps will assign a random port for you
remotePort = 0
name = "dns"
type = "udp"
localIP = ""
localPort = 53
remotePort = 6002
# Resolve your domain names to [server_addr] so you can use http://web01.yourdomain.com to browse web01 and http://web02.yourdomain.com to browse web02
name = "web01"
type = "http"
localIP = ""
localPort = 80
# http username and password are safety certification for http protocol
# if not set, you can access this custom_domains without certification
httpUser = "admin"
httpPassword = "admin"
# if domain for frps is frps.com, then you can access [web01] proxy by URL http://web01.frps.com
subdomain = "web01"
customDomains = ["web01.yourdomain.com"]
# locations is only available for http type
locations = ["/", "/pic"]
# route requests to this service if http basic auto user is abc
# route_by_http_user = abc
hostHeaderRewrite = "example.com"
# params with prefix "header_" will be used to update http request headers
requestHeaders.set.x-from-where = "frp"
healthCheck.type = "http"
# frpc will send a GET http request '/status' to local http service
# http service is alive when it return 2xx http response code
healthCheck.path = "/status"
healthCheck.intervalSeconds = 10
healthCheck.maxFailed = 3
healthCheck.timeoutSeconds = 3
name = "web02"
type = "https"
localIP = ""
localPort = 8000
subdomain = "web02"
customDomains = ["web02.yourdomain.com"]
# if not empty, frpc will use proxy protocol to transfer connection info to your local service
# v1 or v2 or empty
transport.proxyProtocolVersion = "v2"
name = "tcpmuxhttpconnect"
type = "tcpmux"
multiplexer = "httpconnect"
localIP = ""
localPort = 10701
customDomains = ["tunnel1"]
# routeByHTTPUser = "user1"
name = "plugin_unix_domain_socket"
type = "tcp"
remotePort = 6003
# if plugin is defined, local_ip and local_port is useless
# plugin will handle connections got from frps
type = "unix_domain_socket"
unixPath = "/var/run/docker.sock"
name = "plugin_http_proxy"
type = "tcp"
remotePort = 6004
type = "http_proxy"
httpUser = "abc"
httpPassword = "abc"
name = "plugin_socks5"
type = "tcp"
remotePort = 6005
type = "socks5"
username = "abc"
password = "abc"
name = "plugin_static_file"
type = "tcp"
remotePort = 6006
type = "static_file"
localPath = "/var/www/blog"
stripPrefix = "static"
httpUser = "abc"
httpPassword = "abc"
name = "plugin_https2http"
type = "https"
customDomains = ["test.yourdomain.com"]
type = "https2http"
localAddr = ""
crtPath = "./server.crt"
keyPath = "./server.key"
hostHeaderRewrite = ""
requestHeaders.set.x-from-where = "frp"
name = "plugin_https2https"
type = "https"
customDomains = ["test.yourdomain.com"]
type = "https2https"
localAddr = ""
crtPath = "./server.crt"
keyPath = "./server.key"
hostHeaderRewrite = ""
requestHeaders.set.x-from-where = "frp"
name = "plugin_http2https"
type = "http"
customDomains = ["test.yourdomain.com"]
type = "http2https"
localAddr = ""
hostHeaderRewrite = ""
requestHeaders.set.x-from-where = "frp"
name = "secret_tcp"
# If the type is secret tcp, remote_port is useless
# Who want to connect local port should deploy another frpc with stcp proxy and role is visitor
type = "stcp"
# secretKey is used for authentication for visitors
secretKey = "abcdefg"
localIP = ""
localPort = 22
# If not empty, only visitors from specified users can connect.
# Otherwise, visitors from same user can connect. '*' means allow all users.
allowUsers = ["*"]
name = "p2p_tcp"
type = "xtcp"
secretKey = "abcdefg"
localIP = ""
localPort = 22
# If not empty, only visitors from specified users can connect.
# Otherwise, visitors from same user can connect. '*' means allow all users.
allowUsers = ["user1", "user2"]
# frpc role visitor -> frps -> frpc role server
name = "secret_tcp_visitor"
type = "stcp"
# the server name you want to visitor
serverName = "secret_tcp"
secretKey = "abcdefg"
# connect this address to visitor stcp server
bindAddr = ""
# bindPort can be less than 0, it means don't bind to the port and only receive connections redirected from
# other visitors. (This is not supported for SUDP now)
bindPort = 9000
name = "p2p_tcp_visitor"
type = "xtcp"
# if the server user is not set, it defaults to the current user
serverUser = "user1"
serverName = "p2p_tcp"
secretKey = "abcdefg"
bindAddr = ""
# bindPort can be less than 0, it means don't bind to the port and only receive connections redirected from
# other visitors. (This is not supported for SUDP now)
bindPort = 9001
# when automatic tunnel persistence is required, set it to true
keepTunnelOpen = false
# effective when keep_tunnel_open is set to true, the number of attempts to punch through per hour
maxRetriesAnHour = 8
minRetryInterval = 90
# fallbackTo = "stcp_visitor"
# fallbackTimeoutMs = 500
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
bind_port = 7000
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
# [common] is integral section
# A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed
# in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80"
# For single "bind_addr" field, no need square brackets, like "bind_addr = ::".
bind_addr =
bind_port = 7000
# udp port to help make udp hole to penetrate nat
bind_udp_port = 7001
# udp port used for kcp protocol, it can be same with 'bind_port'.
# if not set, kcp is disabled in frps.
kcp_bind_port = 7000
# udp port used for quic protocol.
# if not set, quic is disabled in frps.
# quic_bind_port = 7002
# quic protocol options
# quic_keepalive_period = 10
# quic_max_idle_timeout = 30
# quic_max_incoming_streams = 100000
# specify which address proxy will listen for, default value is same with bind_addr
# proxy_bind_addr =
# if you want to support virtual host, you must set the http port for listening (optional)
# Note: http port and https port can be same with bind_port
vhost_http_port = 80
vhost_https_port = 443
# response header timeout(seconds) for vhost http server, default is 60s
# vhost_http_timeout = 60
# tcpmux_httpconnect_port specifies the port that the server listens for TCP
# HTTP CONNECT requests. If the value is 0, the server will not multiplex TCP
# requests on one single port. If it's not - it will listen on this value for
# HTTP CONNECT requests. By default, this value is 0.
# tcpmux_httpconnect_port = 1337
# If tcpmux_passthrough is true, frps won't do any update on traffic.
# tcpmux_passthrough = false
# set dashboard_addr and dashboard_port to view dashboard of frps
# dashboard_addr's default value is same with bind_addr
# dashboard is available only if dashboard_port is set
dashboard_addr =
dashboard_port = 7500
# dashboard user and passwd for basic auth protect
dashboard_user = admin
dashboard_pwd = admin
# dashboard TLS mode
dashboard_tls_mode = false
# dashboard_tls_cert_file = server.crt
# dashboard_tls_key_file = server.key
# enable_prometheus will export prometheus metrics on {dashboard_addr}:{dashboard_port} in /metrics api.
enable_prometheus = true
# dashboard assets directory(only for debug mode)
# assets_dir = ./static
# console or real logFile path like ./frps.log
log_file = ./frps.log
# trace, debug, info, warn, error
log_level = info
log_max_days = 3
# disable log colors when log_file is console, default is false
disable_log_color = false
# DetailedErrorsToClient defines whether to send the specific error (with debug info) to frpc. By default, this value is true.
detailed_errors_to_client = true
# authentication_method specifies what authentication method to use authenticate frpc with frps.
# If "token" is specified - token will be read into login message.
# If "oidc" is specified - OIDC (Open ID Connect) token will be issued using OIDC settings. By default, this value is "token".
authentication_method = token
# authenticate_heartbeats specifies whether to include authentication token in heartbeats sent to frps. By default, this value is false.
authenticate_heartbeats = false
# AuthenticateNewWorkConns specifies whether to include authentication token in new work connections sent to frps. By default, this value is false.
authenticate_new_work_conns = false
# auth token
token = 12345678
# oidc_issuer specifies the issuer to verify OIDC tokens with.
# By default, this value is "".
oidc_issuer =
# oidc_audience specifies the audience OIDC tokens should contain when validated.
# By default, this value is "".
oidc_audience =
# oidc_skip_expiry_check specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token is expired.
# By default, this value is false.
oidc_skip_expiry_check = false
# oidc_skip_issuer_check specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token's issuer claim matches the issuer specified in OidcIssuer.
# By default, this value is false.
oidc_skip_issuer_check = false
# heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
# the default value of heartbeat_timeout is 90. Set negative value to disable it.
# heartbeat_timeout = 90
# user_conn_timeout configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
# the default value of user_conn_timeout is 10
# user_conn_timeout = 10
# only allow frpc to bind ports you list, if you set nothing, there won't be any limit
allow_ports = 2000-3000,3001,3003,4000-50000
# pool_count in each proxy will change to max_pool_count if they exceed the maximum value
max_pool_count = 5
# max ports can be used for each client, default value is 0 means no limit
max_ports_per_client = 0
# tls_only specifies whether to only accept TLS-encrypted connections. By default, the value is false.
tls_only = false
# tls_cert_file = server.crt
# tls_key_file = server.key
# tls_trusted_ca_file = ca.crt
# if subdomain_host is not empty, you can set subdomain when type is http or https in frpc's configure file
# when subdomain is test, the host used by routing is test.frps.com
subdomain_host = frps.com
# if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true
# tcp_mux = true
# specify keep alive interval for tcp mux.
# only valid if tcp_mux is true.
# tcp_mux_keepalive_interval = 60
# tcp_keepalive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps.
# If negative, keep-alive probes are disabled.
# tcp_keepalive = 7200
# custom 404 page for HTTP requests
# custom_404_page = /path/to/404.html
# specify udp packet size, unit is byte. If not set, the default value is 1500.
# This parameter should be same between client and server.
# It affects the udp and sudp proxy.
udp_packet_size = 1500
# Enable golang pprof handlers in dashboard listener.
# Dashboard port must be set first
pprof_enable = false
addr =
path = /handler
ops = Login
addr =
path = /handler
ops = NewProxy
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ services:
restart: always
restart: always
network_mode: "host"
network_mode: "host"
- "./data/frpc.ini:/etc/frp/frpc.ini"
- "./data/frpc.toml:/etc/frp/frpc.toml"
image: "snowdreamtech/frpc:0.52.1"
image: "snowdreamtech/frpc:0.52.1"
createdBy: "Apps"
createdBy: "Apps"
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
server_addr =
server_port = 7000
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 22
remote_port = 6000
@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
# [common] is integral section
# A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed
# in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80"
# For single "server_addr" field, no need square brackets, like "server_addr = ::".
server_addr =
server_port = 7000
# The maximum amount of time a dial to server will wait for a connect to complete. Default value is 10 seconds.
# dial_server_timeout = 10
# dial_server_keepalive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps.
# If negative, keep-alive probes are disabled.
# dial_server_keepalive = 7200
# if you want to connect frps by http proxy or socks5 proxy or ntlm proxy, you can set http_proxy here or in global environment variables
# it only works when protocol is tcp
# http_proxy = http://user:passwd@
# http_proxy = socks5://user:passwd@
# http_proxy = ntlm://user:passwd@
# console or real logFile path like ./frpc.log
log_file = ./frpc.log
# trace, debug, info, warn, error
log_level = info
log_max_days = 3
# disable log colors when log_file is console, default is false
disable_log_color = false
# for authentication, should be same as your frps.ini
# authenticate_heartbeats specifies whether to include authentication token in heartbeats sent to frps. By default, this value is false.
authenticate_heartbeats = false
# authenticate_new_work_conns specifies whether to include authentication token in new work connections sent to frps. By default, this value is false.
authenticate_new_work_conns = false
# auth token
token = 12345678
authentication_method =
# oidc_client_id specifies the client ID to use to get a token in OIDC authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc".
# By default, this value is "".
oidc_client_id =
# oidc_client_secret specifies the client secret to use to get a token in OIDC authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc".
# By default, this value is "".
oidc_client_secret =
# oidc_audience specifies the audience of the token in OIDC authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is "".
oidc_audience =
# oidc_scope specifies the permisssions of the token in OIDC authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is "".
oidc_scope =
# oidc_token_endpoint_url specifies the URL which implements OIDC Token Endpoint.
# It will be used to get an OIDC token if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is "".
oidc_token_endpoint_url =
# oidc_additional_xxx specifies additional parameters to be sent to the OIDC Token Endpoint.
# For example, if you want to specify the "audience" parameter, you can set as follow.
# frp will add "audience=<value>" "var1=<value>" to the additional parameters.
# oidc_additional_audience = https://dev.auth.com/api/v2/
# oidc_additional_var1 = foobar
# set admin address for control frpc's action by http api such as reload
admin_addr =
admin_port = 7400
admin_user = admin
admin_pwd = admin
# Admin assets directory. By default, these assets are bundled with frpc.
# assets_dir = ./static
# connections will be established in advance, default value is zero
pool_count = 5
# if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true, it must be same with frps
# tcp_mux = true
# specify keep alive interval for tcp mux.
# only valid if tcp_mux is true.
# tcp_mux_keepalive_interval = 60
# your proxy name will be changed to {user}.{proxy}
user = your_name
# decide if exit program when first login failed, otherwise continuous relogin to frps
# default is true
login_fail_exit = true
# communication protocol used to connect to server
# supports tcp, kcp, quic and websocket now, default is tcp
protocol = tcp
# set client binding ip when connect server, default is empty.
# only when protocol = tcp or websocket, the value will be used.
connect_server_local_ip =
# quic protocol options
# quic_keepalive_period = 10
# quic_max_idle_timeout = 30
# quic_max_incoming_streams = 100000
# if tls_enable is true, frpc will connect frps by tls
tls_enable = true
# tls_cert_file = client.crt
# tls_key_file = client.key
# tls_trusted_ca_file = ca.crt
# tls_server_name = example.com
# specify a dns server, so frpc will use this instead of default one
# dns_server =
# proxy names you want to start separated by ','
# default is empty, means all proxies
# start = ssh,dns
# heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
# The default value of heartbeat_interval is 10 and heartbeat_timeout is 90. Set negative value
# to disable it.
# heartbeat_interval = 30
# heartbeat_timeout = 90
# additional meta info for client
meta_var1 = 123
meta_var2 = 234
# specify udp packet size, unit is byte. If not set, the default value is 1500.
# This parameter should be same between client and server.
# It affects the udp and sudp proxy.
udp_packet_size = 1500
# include other config files for proxies.
# includes = ./confd/*.ini
# By default, frpc will connect frps with first custom byte if tls is enabled.
# If DisableCustomTLSFirstByte is true, frpc will not send that custom byte.
disable_custom_tls_first_byte = false
# Enable golang pprof handlers in admin listener.
# Admin port must be set first.
pprof_enable = false
# 'ssh' is the unique proxy name
# if user in [common] section is not empty, it will be changed to {user}.{proxy} such as 'your_name.ssh'
# tcp | udp | http | https | stcp | xtcp, default is tcp
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 22
# limit bandwidth for this proxy, unit is KB and MB
bandwidth_limit = 1MB
# where to limit bandwidth, can be 'client' or 'server', default is 'client'
bandwidth_limit_mode = client
# true or false, if true, messages between frps and frpc will be encrypted, default is false
use_encryption = false
# if true, message will be compressed
use_compression = false
# remote port listen by frps
remote_port = 6001
# frps will load balancing connections for proxies in same group
group = test_group
# group should have same group key
group_key = 123456
# enable health check for the backend service, it support 'tcp' and 'http' now
# frpc will connect local service's port to detect it's healthy status
health_check_type = tcp
# health check connection timeout
health_check_timeout_s = 3
# if continuous failed in 3 times, the proxy will be removed from frps
health_check_max_failed = 3
# every 10 seconds will do a health check
health_check_interval_s = 10
# additional meta info for each proxy
meta_var1 = 123
meta_var2 = 234
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 22
# if remote_port is 0, frps will assign a random port for you
remote_port = 0
# if you want to expose multiple ports, add 'range:' prefix to the section name
# frpc will generate multiple proxies such as 'tcp_port_6010', 'tcp_port_6011' and so on.
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 6010-6020,6022,6024-6028
remote_port = 6010-6020,6022,6024-6028
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
type = udp
local_ip =
local_port = 53
remote_port = 6002
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
type = udp
local_ip =
local_port = 6010-6020
remote_port = 6010-6020
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
# Resolve your domain names to [server_addr] so you can use http://web01.yourdomain.com to browse web01 and http://web02.yourdomain.com to browse web02
type = http
local_ip =
local_port = 80
use_encryption = false
use_compression = true
# http username and password are safety certification for http protocol
# if not set, you can access this custom_domains without certification
http_user = admin
http_pwd = admin
# if domain for frps is frps.com, then you can access [web01] proxy by URL http://web01.frps.com
subdomain = web01
custom_domains = web01.yourdomain.com
# locations is only available for http type
locations = /,/pic
# route requests to this service if http basic auto user is abc
# route_by_http_user = abc
host_header_rewrite = example.com
# params with prefix "header_" will be used to update http request headers
header_X-From-Where = frp
health_check_type = http
# frpc will send a GET http request '/status' to local http service
# http service is alive when it return 2xx http response code
health_check_url = /status
health_check_interval_s = 10
health_check_max_failed = 3
health_check_timeout_s = 3
type = https
local_ip =
local_port = 8000
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
subdomain = web01
custom_domains = web02.yourdomain.com
# if not empty, frpc will use proxy protocol to transfer connection info to your local service
# v1 or v2 or empty
proxy_protocol_version = v2
type = tcp
remote_port = 6003
# if plugin is defined, local_ip and local_port is useless
# plugin will handle connections got from frps
plugin = unix_domain_socket
# params with prefix "plugin_" that plugin needed
plugin_unix_path = /var/run/docker.sock
type = tcp
remote_port = 6004
plugin = http_proxy
plugin_http_user = abc
plugin_http_passwd = abc
type = tcp
remote_port = 6005
plugin = socks5
plugin_user = abc
plugin_passwd = abc
type = tcp
remote_port = 6006
plugin = static_file
plugin_local_path = /var/www/blog
plugin_strip_prefix = static
plugin_http_user = abc
plugin_http_passwd = abc
type = https
custom_domains = test.yourdomain.com
plugin = https2http
plugin_local_addr =
plugin_crt_path = ./server.crt
plugin_key_path = ./server.key
plugin_host_header_rewrite =
plugin_header_X-From-Where = frp
type = https
custom_domains = test.yourdomain.com
plugin = https2https
plugin_local_addr =
plugin_crt_path = ./server.crt
plugin_key_path = ./server.key
plugin_host_header_rewrite =
plugin_header_X-From-Where = frp
type = http
custom_domains = test.yourdomain.com
plugin = http2https
plugin_local_addr =
plugin_host_header_rewrite =
plugin_header_X-From-Where = frp
# If the type is secret tcp, remote_port is useless
# Who want to connect local port should deploy another frpc with stcp proxy and role is visitor
type = stcp
# sk used for authentication for visitors
sk = abcdefg
local_ip =
local_port = 22
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
# user of frpc should be same in both stcp server and stcp visitor
# frpc role visitor -> frps -> frpc role server
role = visitor
type = stcp
# the server name you want to visitor
server_name = secret_tcp
sk = abcdefg
# connect this address to visitor stcp server
bind_addr =
bind_port = 9000
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
type = xtcp
sk = abcdefg
local_ip =
local_port = 22
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
role = visitor
type = xtcp
server_name = p2p_tcp
sk = abcdefg
bind_addr =
bind_port = 9001
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
type = tcpmux
multiplexer = httpconnect
local_ip =
local_port = 10701
custom_domains = tunnel1
# route_by_http_user = user1
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
bind_port = 7000
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
bindPort = 7000
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
# [common] is integral section
# A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed
# in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80"
# For single "bind_addr" field, no need square brackets, like "bind_addr = ::".
bind_addr =
bind_port = 7000
# udp port to help make udp hole to penetrate nat
bind_udp_port = 7001
# udp port used for kcp protocol, it can be same with 'bind_port'.
# if not set, kcp is disabled in frps.
kcp_bind_port = 7000
# udp port used for quic protocol.
# if not set, quic is disabled in frps.
# quic_bind_port = 7002
# quic protocol options
# quic_keepalive_period = 10
# quic_max_idle_timeout = 30
# quic_max_incoming_streams = 100000
# specify which address proxy will listen for, default value is same with bind_addr
# proxy_bind_addr =
# if you want to support virtual host, you must set the http port for listening (optional)
# Note: http port and https port can be same with bind_port
vhost_http_port = 80
vhost_https_port = 443
# response header timeout(seconds) for vhost http server, default is 60s
# vhost_http_timeout = 60
# tcpmux_httpconnect_port specifies the port that the server listens for TCP
# HTTP CONNECT requests. If the value is 0, the server will not multiplex TCP
# requests on one single port. If it's not - it will listen on this value for
# HTTP CONNECT requests. By default, this value is 0.
# tcpmux_httpconnect_port = 1337
# If tcpmux_passthrough is true, frps won't do any update on traffic.
# tcpmux_passthrough = false
# set dashboard_addr and dashboard_port to view dashboard of frps
# dashboard_addr's default value is same with bind_addr
# dashboard is available only if dashboard_port is set
dashboard_addr =
dashboard_port = 7500
# dashboard user and passwd for basic auth protect
dashboard_user = admin
dashboard_pwd = admin
# dashboard TLS mode
dashboard_tls_mode = false
# dashboard_tls_cert_file = server.crt
# dashboard_tls_key_file = server.key
# enable_prometheus will export prometheus metrics on {dashboard_addr}:{dashboard_port} in /metrics api.
enable_prometheus = true
# dashboard assets directory(only for debug mode)
# assets_dir = ./static
# console or real logFile path like ./frps.log
log_file = ./frps.log
# trace, debug, info, warn, error
log_level = info
log_max_days = 3
# disable log colors when log_file is console, default is false
disable_log_color = false
# DetailedErrorsToClient defines whether to send the specific error (with debug info) to frpc. By default, this value is true.
detailed_errors_to_client = true
# authentication_method specifies what authentication method to use authenticate frpc with frps.
# If "token" is specified - token will be read into login message.
# If "oidc" is specified - OIDC (Open ID Connect) token will be issued using OIDC settings. By default, this value is "token".
authentication_method = token
# authenticate_heartbeats specifies whether to include authentication token in heartbeats sent to frps. By default, this value is false.
authenticate_heartbeats = false
# AuthenticateNewWorkConns specifies whether to include authentication token in new work connections sent to frps. By default, this value is false.
authenticate_new_work_conns = false
# auth token
token = 12345678
# oidc_issuer specifies the issuer to verify OIDC tokens with.
# By default, this value is "".
oidc_issuer =
# oidc_audience specifies the audience OIDC tokens should contain when validated.
# By default, this value is "".
oidc_audience =
# oidc_skip_expiry_check specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token is expired.
# By default, this value is false.
oidc_skip_expiry_check = false
# oidc_skip_issuer_check specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token's issuer claim matches the issuer specified in OidcIssuer.
# By default, this value is false.
oidc_skip_issuer_check = false
# heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
# the default value of heartbeat_timeout is 90. Set negative value to disable it.
# heartbeat_timeout = 90
# user_conn_timeout configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
# the default value of user_conn_timeout is 10
# user_conn_timeout = 10
# only allow frpc to bind ports you list, if you set nothing, there won't be any limit
allow_ports = 2000-3000,3001,3003,4000-50000
# pool_count in each proxy will change to max_pool_count if they exceed the maximum value
max_pool_count = 5
# max ports can be used for each client, default value is 0 means no limit
max_ports_per_client = 0
# tls_only specifies whether to only accept TLS-encrypted connections. By default, the value is false.
tls_only = false
# tls_cert_file = server.crt
# tls_key_file = server.key
# tls_trusted_ca_file = ca.crt
# if subdomain_host is not empty, you can set subdomain when type is http or https in frpc's configure file
# when subdomain is test, the host used by routing is test.frps.com
subdomain_host = frps.com
# if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true
# tcp_mux = true
# specify keep alive interval for tcp mux.
# only valid if tcp_mux is true.
# tcp_mux_keepalive_interval = 60
# tcp_keepalive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps.
# If negative, keep-alive probes are disabled.
# tcp_keepalive = 7200
# custom 404 page for HTTP requests
# custom_404_page = /path/to/404.html
# specify udp packet size, unit is byte. If not set, the default value is 1500.
# This parameter should be same between client and server.
# It affects the udp and sudp proxy.
udp_packet_size = 1500
# Enable golang pprof handlers in dashboard listener.
# Dashboard port must be set first
pprof_enable = false
addr =
path = /handler
ops = Login
addr =
path = /handler
ops = NewProxy
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
# A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed
# in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80"
# For single "bind_addr" field, no need square brackets, like "bind_addr = ::".
bindAddr = ""
bindPort = 7000
# udp port used for kcp protocol, it can be same with 'bind_port'.
# if not set, kcp is disabled in frps.
kcpBindPort = 7000
# udp port used for quic protocol.
# if not set, quic is disabled in frps.
# quicBindPort = 7002
# Specify which address proxy will listen for, default value is same with bind_addr
# proxy_bind_addr = ""
# quic protocol options
# transport.quic.keepalivePeriod = 10
# transport.quic.maxIdleTimeout = 30
# transport.quic.maxIncomingStreams = 100000
# Heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
# The default value of heartbeat_timeout is 90. Set negative value to disable it.
# transport.heartbeatTimeout = 90
# Pool count in each proxy will keep no more than maxPoolCount.
transport.maxPoolCount = 5
# If tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true
# transport.tcpMux = true
# Specify keep alive interval for tcp mux.
# only valid if tcpMux is true.
# transport.tcpMuxKeepaliveInterval = 60
# tcpKeepalive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps.
# If negative, keep-alive probes are disabled.
# transport.tcpKeepalive = 7200
# transport.tls.force specifies whether to only accept TLS-encrypted connections. By default, the value is false.
tls.force = false
# transport.tls.certFile = "server.crt"
# transport.tls.keyFile = "server.key"
# transport.tls.trustedCaFile = "ca.crt"
# If you want to support virtual host, you must set the http port for listening (optional)
# Note: http port and https port can be same with bind_port
vhostHTTPPort = 80
vhostHTTPSPort = 443
# Response header timeout(seconds) for vhost http server, default is 60s
# vhostHTTPTimeout = 60
# tcpmuxHTTPConnectPort specifies the port that the server listens for TCP
# HTTP CONNECT requests. If the value is 0, the server will not multiplex TCP
# requests on one single port. If it's not - it will listen on this value for
# HTTP CONNECT requests. By default, this value is 0.
# tcpmuxHTTPConnectPort = 1337
# If tcpmux_passthrough is true, frps won't do any update on traffic.
# tcpmuxPassthrough = false
# Configure the web server to enable the dashboard for frps.
# dashboard is available only if webServer.port is set.
webServer.addr = ""
webServer.port = 7500
webServer.user = "admin"
webServer.password = "admin"
# webServer.tls.certFile = "server.crt"
# webServer.tls.keyFile = "server.key"
# dashboard assets directory(only for debug mode)
# webServer.assetsDir = "./static"
# Enable golang pprof handlers in dashboard listener.
# Dashboard port must be set first
webServer.pprofEnable = false
# enablePrometheus will export prometheus metrics on webServer in /metrics api.
enablePrometheus = true
# console or real logFile path like ./frps.log
log.to = "./frps.log"
# trace, debug, info, warn, error
log.level = "info"
log.maxDays = 3
# disable log colors when log.to is console, default is false
log.disablePrintColor = false
# DetailedErrorsToClient defines whether to send the specific error (with debug info) to frpc. By default, this value is true.
detailedErrorsToClient = true
# auth.method specifies what authentication method to use authenticate frpc with frps.
# If "token" is specified - token will be read into login message.
# If "oidc" is specified - OIDC (Open ID Connect) token will be issued using OIDC settings. By default, this value is "token".
auth.method = "token"
# auth.additionalScopes specifies additional scopes to include authentication information.
# Optional values are HeartBeats, NewWorkConns.
# auth.additionalScopes = ["HeartBeats", "NewWorkConns"]
# auth token
auth.token = "12345678"
# oidc issuer specifies the issuer to verify OIDC tokens with.
auth.oidc.issuer = ""
# oidc audience specifies the audience OIDC tokens should contain when validated.
auth.oidc.audience = ""
# oidc skipExpiryCheck specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token is expired.
auth.oidc.skipExpiryCheck = false
# oidc skipIssuerCheck specifies whether to skip checking if the OIDC token's issuer claim matches the issuer specified in OidcIssuer.
auth.oidc.skipIssuerCheck = false
# userConnTimeout specifies the maximum time to wait for a work connection.
# userConnTimeout = 10
# Only allow frpc to bind ports you list. By default, there won't be any limit.
allowPorts = [
{ start = 2000, end = 3000 },
{ single = 3001 },
{ single = 3003 },
{ start = 4000, end = 50000 }
# Max ports can be used for each client, default value is 0 means no limit
maxPortsPerClient = 0
# If subDomainHost is not empty, you can set subdomain when type is http or https in frpc's configure file
# When subdomain is est, the host used by routing is test.frps.com
subDomainHost = "frps.com"
# custom 404 page for HTTP requests
# custom404Page = "/path/to/404.html"
# specify udp packet size, unit is byte. If not set, the default value is 1500.
# This parameter should be same between client and server.
# It affects the udp and sudp proxy.
udpPacketSize = 1500
# Retention time for NAT hole punching strategy data.
natholeAnalysisDataReserveHours = 168
name = "user-manager"
addr = ""
path = "/handler"
ops = ["Login"]
name = "port-manager"
addr = ""
path = "/handler"
ops = ["NewProxy"]
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ services:
restart: always
restart: always
network_mode: "host"
network_mode: "host"
- "./data/frps.ini:/etc/frp/frps.ini"
- "./data/frps.toml:/etc/frp/frps.toml"
image: "snowdreamtech/frps:0.52.1"
image: "snowdreamtech/frps:0.52.1"
createdBy: "Apps"
createdBy: "Apps"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user