📦 New svgs.

This commit is contained in:
pheralb 2023-09-12 10:03:00 +01:00
parent db529e73ac
commit c063b7995c
7 changed files with 48 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1358,5 +1358,47 @@ export const svgs: iSVG[] = [
category: 'Library',
route: '/library/vueuse.svg',
url: 'https://vueuse.org/'
id: 195,
title: 'Biomejs',
category: 'Compiler',
route: '/library/biomejs.svg',
url: 'https://biomejs.dev/'
id: 196,
title: 'Hono',
category: 'Framework',
route: '/library/hono.svg',
url: 'https://hono.dev/'
id: 197,
title: 'Million',
category: 'Library',
route: '/library/million.svg',
url: 'https://million.dev/'
id: 198,
title: 'PandaCSS',
category: 'Library',
route: '/library/pandacss.svg',
url: 'https://panda-css.com/'
id: 199,
title: 'Pulumi',
category: 'Software',
route: '/library/pulumi.svg',
url: 'https://www.pulumi.com/'
id: 200,
title: "FastAPI",
category: 'Framework',
route: '/library/fastapi.svg',
url: 'https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/'

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.0" viewBox="0 0 460 460"><path fill="#f7b911" d="M377.3 259a97.4 97.4 0 0 0-16.1-24.5l-10.3-9c-1.7-1.5-2-3-.4-4.4a79.6 79.6 0 0 0 20.6-26.7 92 92 0 0 0 7.3-27 67.9 67.9 0 0 0 0-15.3q-1.6-17.3-3.6-23-1.3-5.2-2.6-9c-11-28.3-36.3-47.3-52.7-57a138.3 138.3 0 0 0-15.5-6.3 163.3 163.3 0 0 0-28-6.4 147.2 147.2 0 0 0-21.2-2H72V132h177.6a78.4 78.4 0 0 1 17.4 2c7.6 1.6 14 4.8 17.7 12.2a36.6 36.6 0 0 1 2.2 11.5v8.4a19.7 19.7 0 0 1-5.6 10.6 34 34 0 0 1-21.2 7.5c-13.6 1-27.3.2-41 .4H72v227h83.5c2.6 0 3-1 3-3.4V272.7c0-7.3 0-7.3 7.2-7.3h89.9a57.4 57.4 0 0 1 28.6 0 0 0 .5 0l2.9 2.7a29 29 0 0 1 7.6 31.8 28.2 28.2 0 0 1-9.8 12.7 48.8 48.8 0 0 1-25.8 8.2c-11.4.2-22.8 0-34.2 0-3 0-3.7 1-3.7 3.6v73.8c0 7 0 7.3 7 7a403.9 403.9 0 0 0 45.6-1.3q23.6-3.3 40.2-8a11.9 11.9 0 0 0 .7-.3 121.6 121.6 0 0 0 34.4-17.9 65 65 0 0 0 16.2-16 5.1 5.1 0 0 0 1-1 88.2 88.2 0 0 0 16.2-32.5 176.8 176.8 0 0 0 4.2-21 94.7 94.7 0 0 0-10-54.4zM214.9 128.3z"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 990 B

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M128 0C57.33 0 0 57.33 0 128s57.33 128 128 128 128-57.33 128-128S198.67 0 128 0Zm-6.67 230.605v-80.288H76.699l64.128-124.922v80.288h42.966L121.33 230.605Z" fill="#009688"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 280 B

static/library/hono.svg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" viewBox="0 0 256 330"><path d="M134.129.029c.876-.113 1.65.108 2.319.662a1256.253 1256.253 0 0 1 69.573 93.427c16.094 24.231 29.788 49.851 41.082 76.862 18.037 48.108 8.65 89.963-28.16 125.564-32.209 27.22-69.314 37.822-111.318 31.805-50.208-10.237-84.332-39.28-102.373-87.133C.553 225.638-.993 209.736.614 193.51c2.676-27.93 9.302-54.877 19.878-80.838 4.407-10.592 10.15-20.31 17.228-29.154a381.88 381.88 0 0 1 16.565 21.203c2.44 2.55 4.98 4.98 7.62 7.289C82.06 72.01 106.135 34.685 134.13.029Z" fill="#FF5B11" opacity=".993"/><path d="M129.49 53.7c24.314 28.2 46.29 58.238 65.93 90.114a187.318 187.318 0 0 1 15.24 33.13c8.338 32.804-.607 59.86-26.836 81.169-25.367 17.85-53.196 23.15-83.488 15.902-32.666-10.136-51.55-32.113-56.653-65.929-1.238-10.662-.133-21.043 3.314-31.142a225.41 225.41 0 0 1 17.89-35.78l19.878-29.155a5509.508 5509.508 0 0 0 44.726-58.31Z" fill="#FF9758"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 957 B

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" viewBox="0 0 256 182"><defs><radialGradient cx="50%" cy="49.999%" fx="50%" fy="49.999%" r="32.306%" gradientTransform="translate(0 -380193.475) skewY(90)" id="a"><stop stop-color="#845CE7" offset="0%"/><stop stop-color="#AF73D8" offset="100%"/></radialGradient><radialGradient cx="50.061%" cy="104.167%" fx="50.061%" fy="104.167%" r="67.301%" gradientTransform="translate(0 -35820434.112) skewY(90)" id="b"><stop stop-color="#845CE7" offset="0%"/><stop stop-color="#AF73D8" offset="100%"/></radialGradient><radialGradient cx="99.122%" cy="34.222%" fx="99.122%" fy="34.222%" r="42.521%" gradientTransform="translate(0 -56809933.375) skewY(90)" id="c"><stop stop-color="#845CE7" offset="0%"/><stop stop-color="#AF73D8" offset="100%"/></radialGradient><radialGradient cx=".878%" cy="34.21%" fx=".878%" fy="34.21%" r="42.506%" gradientTransform="translate(0 -5447320.88) skewY(90)" id="d"><stop stop-color="#845CE7" offset="0%"/><stop stop-color="#AF73D8" offset="100%"/></radialGradient></defs><path d="M64.995 153.355c11.777-16.858 35.745-28.399 63.396-28.399 27.65 0 51.62 11.54 63.397 28.4-11.778 16.856-35.746 28.397-63.397 28.397-27.651 0-51.619-11.54-63.396-28.398Z" fill="url(#a)"/><path d="M64.567 28.097C76.337 11.418 100.289 0 127.923 0c27.633 0 51.586 11.418 63.356 28.097-11.77 16.679-35.723 28.097-63.356 28.097-27.634 0-51.586-11.418-63.356-28.097Z" fill="url(#b)"/><path d="M129.133 91.209c-17.124 16.54-40.349 25.831-64.566 25.831-24.217 0-47.443-9.292-64.567-25.831l64.567-63.112 64.566 63.112Z" fill="url(#c)"/><path d="M256 91.24c-17.124 16.54-40.35 25.831-64.567 25.831-24.217 0-47.443-9.292-64.567-25.831l64.567-63.143L256 91.24Z" fill="url(#d)"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.7 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" viewBox="0 0 256 259"><path d="M0 29.642C0 13.272 13.271 0 29.642 0h196.716C242.728 0 256 13.271 256 29.642v199.41c0 16.372-13.271 29.643-29.642 29.643H29.642C13.272 258.695 0 245.424 0 229.052V29.642Z" fill="#F6E458"/><path d="M164.056 57.825c-14.124-4.057-28.53-4.609-43.212-3.296-8.216.854-16.114 2.485-23.732 5.347C80.644 66.06 68.28 76.774 60.908 92.904c-5.286 11.564-7.196 23.848-7.395 36.452-.21 13.32 1.459 26.455 4.11 39.478 2.405 11.804 5.607 23.377 10.179 34.55.434 1.06.975 1.418 2.135 1.416 14.461-.031 28.923-.031 43.385-.031h12.843c.328 0 .656-.019 1.033-.04.192-.01.397-.021.622-.031-.087-.207-.164-.397-.238-.575a20.39 20.39 0 0 0-.407-.953c-1.045-2.237-2.113-4.464-3.18-6.692-2.316-4.832-4.63-9.664-6.724-14.591-6.351-14.94-11.215-30.324-12.699-46.608-.654-7.185-.564-14.329 1.43-21.33 2.278-8.003 7.168-13.652 15.274-16.014 7.445-2.168 14.993-2.154 22.396.24 6.608 2.137 10.916 6.65 12.748 13.408 1.408 5.19 1.407 10.436.343 15.669-.82 4.028-2.47 7.705-5.441 10.645-5.33 5.275-11.985 6.489-19.126 6.084-1.27-.072-2.537-.21-3.842-.355-.612-.066-1.231-.134-1.864-. 1.223.595 2.451.885 3.679.699 2.958 1.397 5.915 2.295 8.81a169.782 169.782 0 0 0 6.14 16.654c16.577-1.294 31.843-5.414 48.047-15.141.244-.154.465-.292.687-.43 6.96-4.333 12.593-9.954 16.478-17.213 6.291-11.754 7.518-24.324 5.649-37.299-1.93-13.39-7.938-24.63-18.283-33.445-7.174-6.115-15.47-10.12-24.474-12.706Z"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.5 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" viewBox="0 0 256 271"><path d="M43.705 150.707c10.013-5.781 10.03-24.497.038-41.804-9.993-17.306-26.21-26.65-36.223-20.868-10.012 5.78-10.029 24.497-.037 41.803 9.992 17.307 26.21 26.65 36.222 20.869Zm.06 37.058c9.993 17.306 9.976 36.022-.037 41.803-10.013 5.781-26.23-3.562-36.222-20.869-9.992-17.306-9.976-36.022.037-41.803 10.013-5.781 26.23 3.562 36.222 20.869ZM112 227.214c9.992 17.306 9.976 36.021-.037 41.804-10.013 5.78-26.23-3.563-36.222-20.87-9.992-17.306-9.976-36.022.037-41.803 10.013-5.781 26.23 3.562 36.222 20.869Zm-.022-78.86c9.992 17.306 9.975 36.022-.037 41.803-10.013 5.781-26.23-3.562-36.222-20.869-9.993-17.306-9.976-36.022.037-41.803 10.012-5.781 26.23 3.562 36.222 20.868Z" fill="#F26E7E"/><path d="M248.477 129.882c9.992-17.307 9.976-36.023-.037-41.804-10.012-5.78-26.23 3.562-36.222 20.869-9.992 17.306-9.975 36.022.037 41.804 10.013 5.78 26.23-3.563 36.222-20.87Zm.002 37.039c10.013 5.78 10.03 24.497.038 41.803-9.992 17.307-26.21 26.65-36.222 20.869-10.013-5.781-10.03-24.497-.038-41.804 9.993-17.306 26.21-26.65 36.222-20.868Zm-68.22 39.384c10.013 5.781 10.03 24.497.038 41.804-9.992 17.305-26.21 26.649-36.223 20.868-10.012-5.78-10.029-24.497-.037-41.803 9.993-17.307 26.21-26.65 36.222-20.869Zm-.038-78.843c10.013 5.781 10.03 24.497.037 41.804-9.992 17.306-26.21 26.65-36.222 20.869-10.013-5.781-10.03-24.498-.037-41.804 9.992-17.307 26.209-26.65 36.222-20.869Z" fill="#8A3391"/><path d="M164.153 20.935c0 11.562-16.2 20.935-36.185 20.935-19.984 0-36.185-9.373-36.185-20.935S107.983 0 127.968 0c19.985 0 36.185 9.373 36.185 20.935Zm-68.22 39.344c0 11.562-16.2 20.935-36.184 20.935-19.985 0-36.185-9.373-36.185-20.935s16.2-20.935 36.185-20.935c19.984 0 36.185 9.373 36.185 20.935Zm100.344 20.935c19.985 0 36.185-9.373 36.185-20.935s-16.2-20.935-36.185-20.935c-19.984 0-36.185 9.373-36.185 20.935s16.2 20.935 36.185 20.935ZM164.153 99.71c0 11.562-16.2 20.935-36.185 20.935-19.984 0-36.185-9.373-36.185-20.935s16.2-20.935 36.185-20.935c19.985 0 36.185 9.373 36.185 20.935Z" fill="#F7BF2A"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.0 KiB