add Craft CMS logo

This commit is contained in:
belkin 2024-06-14 15:22:46 +02:00
parent 7e0bb11c00
commit a36706b0b0
3 changed files with 9 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
import type { iSVG } from '../types/svg';
export const svgs: iSVG[] = [
title: 'Craft CMS',
category: 'CMS',
route: '/library/craft_cms.svg',
wordmark: '/library/craft_cms_wordmark.svg',
url: ''
title: 'Inflection AI',
category: 'AI',

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="54" height="55" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 54 55"><path fill="#E5422B" d="M47.812.6H5.626A5.602 5.602 0 0 0 0 6.225v42.188c0 3.125 2.5 5.625 5.625 5.625h42.188c3.062 0 5.624-2.5 5.624-5.625V6.224A5.6 5.6 0 0 0 47.812.6ZM26.625 33.163c1.75 0 3.625-.688 5.438-2.313l2.5 2.875c-2.626 2.125-5.626 3.313-8.626 3.313-5.937 0-9.687-3.938-8.812-9.5.875-5.563 5.938-9.5 11.875-9.5 2.875 0 5.563 1.125 7.438 3.187l-3.5 2.875c-1-1.313-2.688-2.188-4.563-2.188-3.563 0-6.313 2.313-6.875 5.626-.5 3.312 1.5 5.625 5.125 5.625Z"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 565 B

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="220" height="55" viewBox="0 0 220 55"><path fill="#E5422B" d="M76.188 33.163c-3.626 0-5.626-2.313-5.126-5.625.563-3.375 3.313-5.625 6.876-5.625 1.874 0 3.562.875 4.562 2.187l3.5-2.875c-1.875-2.125-4.563-3.188-7.438-3.188-5.874 0-11 3.938-11.874 9.5-.876 5.626 2.874 9.5 8.812 9.5 3 0 6-1.25 8.625-3.312l-2.5-2.875c-1.813 1.625-3.688 2.313-5.438 2.313m23.5-14.938s-.75-.125-.812-.125c-.813-.125-1.688-.063-2.5 0-.75.063-1.5.188-2.25.438-.625.187-1.313.437-1.875.812l.125-.875h-4.25L85.25 36.6h4.25l1.688-10.563c.062-.624.312-1.187.624-1.687.313-.5.75-.938 1.25-1.25.5-.375 1-.625 1.563-.813a7.914 7.914 0 0 1 1.75-.374 8.45 8.45 0 0 1 2.5.187h.063c.124 0 .75-3.875.75-3.875m14.874 1.375c-1.187-1-3-1.563-5.124-1.563a11.233 11.233 0 0 0-11.063 9.438c-.875 5.625 2.813 9.438 7.938 9.438 2.312 0 4.25-.313 5.874-1.438l-.124 1h3.874l2.813-18h-4l-.188 1.125zm-.874 7.875c-.563 3.438-3.126 5.813-6.438 5.813-3.375 0-5.313-2.5-4.75-5.875.563-3.375 3.25-5.75 6.563-5.75 3.312.062 5.124 2.375 4.624 5.812zm24.687-9 .813-5.125-4.875 3.5-.25 1.688h-5.5l.562-3.438c.313-1.625 2.063-1.563 2.063-1.563h2.062l.625-3.75H130.937c-5.812 0-6 4.5-6 4.5l-.374 2.126-.313 2.125h-.375l-4.75 3.75h4.5L120.75 40.6h4.375L128 22.225h5.5L131.25 36.6h4.313l2.25-14.375h5.375l.625-3.75h-5.438zm11.563 9.063c.875-5.563 5.937-9.5 11.875-9.5 2.875 0 5.562 1.125 7.437 3.187l-3.5 2.875c-1-1.313-2.688-2.188-4.563-2.188-3.562 0-6.312 2.313-6.875 5.626-.5 3.312 1.5 5.625 5.125 5.625 1.75 0 3.625-.688 5.438-2.313l2.5 2.875c-2.625 2.125-5.625 3.313-8.625 3.313-5.938 0-9.688-3.875-8.813-9.5m50.625-1.938-1.687 11h-4.25l1.688-10.688c.437-2.5-.938-4-3.375-4-2.563 0-5.125 1.563-5.5 4.126L185.75 36.6h-4.25l1.688-10.688c.375-2.437-1.063-3.937-3.375-4-2.375.126-5.125 1.626-5.5 4.126L172.625 36.6h-4.25l2.875-18.125h4.25l-.125.875c1.438-.875 3.063-1.25 5.125-1.313h.375c2.625 0 4.75 1.063 5.875 2.876 1.75-1.813 4.438-2.875 7.125-2.875 4.625 0 7.438 3.062 6.688 7.562m-.188 8.813 2.625-3.25c1.438 1.125 4.188 2 6.5 2 2.125 0 4.25-.438 4.5-1.875.188-1.125-1.875-1.5-4.188-1.875-4.812-.813-7.25-1.813-6.75-5.438.75-4.563 5.438-5.875 9.313-5.875 2.75 0 5.625.938 7.563 2.25l-2.625 3.25a10.648 10.648 0 0 0-5.625-1.625c-2.563 0-4.063.75-4.25 1.938-.125.812.562 1.125 3.562 1.625 4.375.75 8 1.437 7.313 5.625-.563 3.812-4.438 5.937-9.5 5.937-2.813-.063-6.438-1.063-8.438-2.688M47.812.6H5.626A5.602 5.602 0 0 0 0 6.225v42.188c0 3.125 2.5 5.625 5.625 5.625h42.188c3.062 0 5.624-2.5 5.624-5.625V6.224C53.438 3.1 50.938.6 47.813.6M26.625 33.163c1.75 0 3.625-.688 5.438-2.313l2.5 2.875c-2.626 2.125-5.626 3.313-8.626 3.313-5.937 0-9.687-3.938-8.812-9.5.875-5.563 5.938-9.5 11.875-9.5 2.875 0 5.563 1.125 7.438 3.187l-3.5 2.875c-1-1.313-2.688-2.188-4.563-2.188-3.563 0-6.313 2.313-6.875 5.626-.5 3.312 1.5 5.625 5.125 5.625"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.8 KiB