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< a href = "https://svgl.vercel.app" >
< img src = "public/images/screenshot.png" >
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< a href = "https://svgl.vercel.app/" target = "_blank" >
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< span > ● < / span >
< a href = "#-getting-started" >
Submit logo
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< span > ● < / span >
< a href = "#-team" >
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## 🛠️ Stack
2023-03-15 13:54:31 +00:00
- [**Sveltekit** ](https://kit.svelte.dev/ ) - Web development, streamlined.
- [**Typescript** ](https://www.typescriptlang.org/ ) - JavaScript with syntax for types.
- [**Tailwindcss** ](https://tailwindcss.com/ ) - A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.
- [**Prettier** ](https://prettier.io/ ) + [prettier-plugin-tailwindcss ](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/prettier-plugin-tailwindcss ) - An opinionated code formatter.
- [**phosphor-svelte** ](https://github.com/haruaki07/phosphor-svelte ) - A clean and friendly icon family for Svelte.
- [**Vitest** ](https://vitest.dev/ ) - Blazing Fast Unit Test Framework.
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## 🚀 Getting Started
You will need:
- [Node.js 16+ (recommended 18 LTS) ](https://nodejs.org/en/ ).
- [Git ](https://git-scm.com/ ).
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1. Clone or [fork ](https://github.com/pheralb/svgl/fork ) this repository:
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git clone git@github .com:pheralb/svgl.git
2. Install dependencies with your favorite package manager:
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# with npm:
npm install
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# with pnpm:
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pnpm install
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# with ultra:
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ultra install
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# with yarn:
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yarn install
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3. Go to the [**`static/library`** ](https://github.com/pheralb/svgl/tree/v3/static/library ) folder and add your `.svg` logo. Remember to optimize SVG for web use, you can use [SVGOMG ](https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/ ).
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4. Go to the [**`src/data/svgs.ts`** ](https://github.com/pheralb/svgl/blob/main/src/data/svgs.ts ) and add the information about your logo, following the structure:
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2023-03-15 12:11:21 +00:00
"id": 1,
"title": "Title",
"category": "Category",
"route": "/library/your_logo.svg",
"url": "Website"
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And create a pull request with your logo 🚀.
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## ✌️ Contributing
< a href = "https://github.com/pheralb/svgl/graphs/contributors" >
< img src = "https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=pheralb/svgl" / >
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## 🔑 License
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- [MIT ](https://github.com/pheralb/svgl/blob/main/LICENSE ).