# 使用说明 ## 账户密码 - 初始账户: flarum - 初始密码: flarum ## 中文语言包 > 中文语言包: >> - https://github.com/flarum-lang/chinese-simplified 使用说明: - Flarum v0.1.0-beta.8 及以上版本 进入容器终端运行以下安装中文语言包,详细可查看原项目文档。 ``` composer require flarum-lang/chinese-simplified php flarum cache:clear ``` ## 所使用docker镜像相关: > 项目链接 >> - https://hub.docker.com/r/crazymax/flarum >> - https://github.com/crazy-max/docker-flarum # 原始相关
## About Flarum **[Flarum](https://flarum.org/) is a delightfully simple discussion platform for your website.** It's fast and easy to use, with all the features you need to run a successful community. It is designed to be: * **Fast and simple.** No clutter, no bloat, no complex dependencies. Flarum is built with PHP so it’s quick and easy to deploy. The interface is powered by Mithril, a performant JavaScript framework with a tiny footprint. * **Beautiful and responsive.** This is forum software for humans. Flarum is carefully designed to be consistent and intuitive across platforms, out-of-the-box. * **Powerful and extensible.** Customize, extend, and integrate Flarum to suit your community. Flarum’s architecture is amazingly flexible, with a powerful Extension API.  ## Installation Read the **[Installation guide](https://docs.flarum.org/install)** to get started. For support, refer to the [documentation](https://docs.flarum.org/), and ask questions on the [community forum](https://discuss.flarum.org/) or [Discord chat](https://flarum.org/discord/). ## Contributing Thank you for considering contributing to Flarum! Please read the **[Contributing guide](https://docs.flarum.org/contributing)** to learn how you can help. This repository only holds the Flarum skeleton application. Most development happens in [flarum/core](https://github.com/flarum/core). ## Security Vulnerabilities If you discover a security vulnerability within Flarum, please follow our [security policy](https://github.com/flarum/core/security/policy) so we can address it promptly. ## License Flarum is open-source software licensed under the [MIT License](https://github.com/flarum/flarum/blob/master/LICENSE).