# Please do not directly edit this file. Instead, modify the .env variables related to NGINX configuration. server { listen ${NGINX_PORT}; server_name ${NGINX_SERVER_NAME}; location /console/api { proxy_pass http://api:5001; include proxy.conf; } location /api { proxy_pass http://api:5001; include proxy.conf; } location /v1 { proxy_pass http://api:5001; include proxy.conf; } location /files { proxy_pass http://api:5001; include proxy.conf; } location /explore { proxy_pass http://web:3000; include proxy.conf; } location /e/ { proxy_pass http://plugin_daemon:5002; proxy_set_header Dify-Hook-Url $scheme://$host$request_uri; include proxy.conf; } location / { proxy_pass http://web:3000; include proxy.conf; } # placeholder for acme challenge location ${ACME_CHALLENGE_LOCATION} # placeholder for https config defined in https.conf.template ${HTTPS_CONFIG} }