additionalProperties: formFields: - default: "40266" edit: true envKey: PANEL_APP_PORT_HTTP labelEn: Port labelZh: 端口 required: true rule: paramPort type: number - default: "Asia/Shanghai" edit: true envKey: TIME_ZONE labelEn: Time Zone labelZh: 时区 required: true type: text - default: admin edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_DEFAULTUSER_NAME labelEn: Default User Name labelZh: 默认用户名 required: true type: text - default: "password" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_DEFAULTUSER_PASS labelEn: Default User Password labelZh: 默认用户密码 required: false random: true rule: paramComplexity type: password - default: "false" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_REGISTRATION labelEn: Enable Registration labelZh: 允许注册 required: true type: select values: - label: "true" value: "true" - label: "false" value: "false" - default: 10 edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_PASSSTRENGTH labelEn: Minimum Password Strength labelZh: 最低密码强度 required: true type: number - default: "80" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_PORT labelEn: Internal Container Ports labelZh: 容器内部端口 required: true rule: paramPort type: number - default: 0 edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_KEEPALIVEPERIODSECONDS labelEn: Keepalive Period (seconds) labelZh: 保持活跃时间(秒) required: true type: number - default: "" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_LISTENADDR labelEn: Listen Address labelZh: 监听地址 required: false type: text - default: "false" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_SSL_ENABLED labelEn: Enable SSL labelZh: 启用 SSL required: true type: select values: - label: "true" value: "true" - label: "false" value: "false" - default: "true" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_SSL_REDIRECTTOHTTPS labelEn: Redirect to HTTPS labelZh: 重定向到 HTTPS required: true type: select values: - label: "true" value: "true" - label: "false" value: "false" - default: "" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_SSL_LISTENADDR labelEn: SSL Listen Address labelZh: SSL 监听地址 required: false type: text - default: 443 edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_SSL_PORT labelEn: SSL Port labelZh: SSL 端口 required: true rule: paramPort type: number - default: "" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_SSL_CERTFILE labelEn: SSL Certificate File (inside container) labelZh: SSL 证书文件 (容器内部) required: false type: text - default: "" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_SSL_CERTKEY labelEn: SSL Certificate Key (inside container) labelZh: SSL 证书密钥 (容器内部) required: false type: text - default: "false" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_SSL_LETSENCRYPT_ENABLED labelEn: Enable Let's Encrypt labelZh: 启用 Let's Encrypt required: true type: select values: - label: "true" value: "true" - label: "false" value: "false" - default: "false" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_SSL_LETSENCRYPT_ACCEPTTOS labelEn: Accept Let's Encrypt TOS labelZh: 接受 Let's Encrypt 条款 required: true type: select values: - label: "true" value: "true" - label: "false" value: "false" - default: "certs" disabled: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_SSL_LETSENCRYPT_CACHE labelEn: Let's Encrypt Cache Directory labelZh: Let's Encrypt 缓存目录 required: true type: text - default: "" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_SSL_LETSENCRYPT_HOSTS labelEn: Let's Encrypt Hosts labelZh: Let's Encrypt 域名 required: false type: text - default: "" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_RESPONSEHEADERS labelEn: Response Headers labelZh: 响应头 required: false type: text - default: "" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_CORS_ALLOWORIGINS labelEn: CORS Allow Origins labelZh: 允许跨域来源 required: false type: text - default: "" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_CORS_ALLOWMETHODS labelEn: CORS Allow Methods labelZh: 允许跨域方法 required: false type: text - default: "" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_CORS_ALLOWHEADERS labelEn: CORS Allow Headers labelZh: 允许跨域头 required: false type: text - default: "" edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_STREAM_ALLOWEDORIGINS labelEn: Allowed origins for websocket connections labelZh: Websocket 连接的允许来源 required: false type: text - default: 45 edit: true envKey: GOTIFY_SERVER_STREAM_PINGPERIODSECONDS labelEn: The interval in which websocket pings will be sent (seconds) labelZh: 发送 websocket ping 的时间间隔(秒) required: true type: number - default: sqlite3 disabled: true envKey: GOTIFY_DATABASE_DIALECT labelEn: Database Dialect labelZh: 数据库方式 required: true type: text - default: "data/gotify.db" disabled: true envKey: GOTIFY_DATABASE_CONNECTION labelEn: Database Connection labelZh: 数据库连接 required: true type: text - default: "data/images" disabled: true envKey: GOTIFY_UPLOADEDIMAGESDIR labelEn: Uploaded Images Directory labelZh: 上传的图片目录 required: true type: text - default: "data/plugins" disabled: true envKey: GOTIFY_PLUGINSDIR labelEn: Plugins Directory labelZh: 插件目录 required: true type: text