import {fileURLToPath} from 'url'; import {dirname} from 'path'; const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename); export default { DEBUG: false, RICH_LOG_ENABLED: false, baseAppUrl: process.env.BASE_APP_URL || "http://localhost:8061", relativeStaticUrl: "/r", SKIP_IFRAMELY_RENDERS: true, GROUP_LINKS: true, MAX_REDIRECTS: parseInt(process.env.MAX_REDIRECTS, 10) || 4, SKIP_OEMBED_RE_LIST: [ // /^https?:\/\/yourdomain\.com\//, ], /* GENERATE_LINK_PARAMS: { disableSizeWrapper: true }, */ port: 8061, host: '', /* ssl: { key: ssl_key, cert: ssl_cert, port: 443 }, */ CACHE_ENGINE: 'node-cache', CACHE_TTL: 0, /* allowedOrigins: [ "*", "" ], */ RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: 5 * 1000, ADD_OEMBED_PARAMS: [{ re: [ /^https:\/\/graph\.facebook\.com\/v[0-9\.]+\/instagram_oembed/i ], params: { // TODO: get your access Insagtam token as described // use `{app-id}|{app secret}` as access token // on access_token: '', hidecaption: true } }, { re: [/^https:\/\/graph\.facebook\.com\/v[0-9\.]+\/oembed_page/i], params: { // TODO: get your access token as described // use `{app-id}|{app secret}` as access token // on access_token: '', show_posts: 0, show_facepile: 0, maxwidth: 600 } }, { // match i=user or i=moment or i=timeline to configure these types invidually // see params spec at re: [/^https?:\/\/publish\.twitter\.com\/oembed\?i=user/i], params: { limit: 1, maxwidth: 600 } }, { // Facebook re: [/^https:\/\/graph\.facebook\.com\/v[0-9\.]+\/oembed_/i], params: { // TODO: get your access token as described // use `{app-id}|{app secret}` as access token // on access_token: '', // Add any other optional params, like skip script tag and fb-root div // omitscript: true } }], /* PROXY: [{ re: [/^https?:\/\/www\.domain\.com/], // Either `proxy`, or `proxy_url`, or none. proxy: true, // Will fetch URL via echo service configured as PROXY_URL. See below. // proxy_url: '{url}', // Will fetch URL via this exact echo service, see below. user_agent: 'CHANGE YOUR AGENT', headers: { // HTTP headers // Overrides previous params if overlapped. }, cache_ttl: 3600 // in seconds, cache response for 1 hour. }], // Proxy now requires an echo service endpoint. // See #354 and example code at // PROXY_URL: '{url}', // Iframely will add `?url=...` to this endpoint */ providerOptions: { locale: "en_US", "twitter": { "max-width": 550, "min-width": 250, hide_media: false, hide_thread: false, omit_script: false, center: false, // dnt: true, cache_ttl: 100 * 365 * 24 * 3600 }, readability: { enabled: false // to enable description fallback to first paragraph // allowPTagDescription: true }, images: { loadSize: false, checkFavicon: false }, tumblr: { consumer_key: "INSERT YOUR VALUE" // disables status embeds for images and videos - will return plain media // media_only: true }, google: { // maps_key: "INSERT YOUR VALUE" }, /* // Optional Camo Proxy to wrap all images: camoProxy: { camo_proxy_key: "INSERT YOUR VALUE", camo_proxy_host: "INSERT YOUR VALUE" // ssl_only: true // will only proxy non-ssl images }, */ youtube: { // api_key: "INSERT YOUR VALUE", // parts: [ "snippet", "player" ], get_params: "?rel=0&showinfo=1", fix_shorts_in_eu: true }, vimeo: { get_params: "?byline=0&badge=0" }, soundcloud: { old_player: true }, giphy: { media_only: true }, bandcamp: { get_params: '/size=large/bgcol=333333/linkcol=ffffff/artwork=small/transparent=true/', media: { album: { height: 472, 'max-width': 700 }, track: { height: 120, 'max-width': 700 } } }, // Docs: /* twitch: { parent: ',, localhost' }, */ }, /* WHITELIST_WILDCARD: { "twitter": { "player": "allow", "photo": "deny" }, "oembed": { "video": "allow", "photo": "allow", "rich": "deny", "link": "deny" }, "og": { "video": ["allow", "ssl", "responsive"] }, "iframely": { "survey": "allow", "reader": "allow", "player": "allow", "image": "allow" }, "html-meta": { "video": ["allow", "responsive"], "promo": "allow" } } */ IGNORE_DOMAINS_RE: [ /^https?:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1/i, /^https?:\/\/localhost/i, /^https?:\/\/[^\/]+:\d+\/?/, // And this is AWS metadata service // /^https?:\/\/169\.254\.169\.254/ ], // Endpoint for prerender service, if you need it. Used to parse React apps. Very slow. // Tested with // PRERENDER_URL: "https://domain/render?url=" };