, OpenResty Inc.
-This module is licensed under the terms of the BSD license.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+OpenResty 是一个基于 Nginx 和 LuaJIT 的强大的 Web 平台。它集成了大量精选的 Lua 库、第三方模块和大多数依赖项,使得用户可以使用 Lua 脚本语言构建高性能、可扩展的 Web 应用。OpenResty 利用 Nginx 的事件模型,使得它在处理高并发、低延迟的 Web 请求时表现出色。
diff --git a/apps/php5/README.md b/apps/php5/README.md
index dd5ad22c..e8bf396d 100644
--- a/apps/php5/README.md
+++ b/apps/php5/README.md
@@ -1,126 +1,3 @@
-# The PHP Interpreter
+## PHP
-PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to
-web development. Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your
-blog to the most popular websites in the world. PHP is distributed under the
-## Documentation
-The PHP manual is available at [php.net/docs](https://php.net/docs).
-## Installation
-### Prebuilt packages and binaries
-Prebuilt packages and binaries can be used to get up and running fast with PHP.
-For Windows, the PHP binaries can be obtained from
-[windows.php.net](https://windows.php.net). After extracting the archive the
-`*.exe` files are ready to use.
-For other systems, see the [installation chapter](https://php.net/install).
-### Building PHP source code
-*For Windows, see [Build your own PHP on Windows](https://wiki.php.net/internals/windows/stepbystepbuild_sdk_2).*
-For a minimal PHP build from Git, you will need autoconf, bison, and re2c. For
-a default build, you will additionally need libxml2 and libsqlite3.
-On Ubuntu, you can install these using:
- sudo apt install -y pkg-config build-essential autoconf bison re2c \
- libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev
-On Fedora, you can install these using:
- sudo dnf install re2c bison autoconf make libtool ccache libxml2-devel sqlite-devel
-Generate configure:
- ./buildconf
-Configure your build. `--enable-debug` is recommended for development, see
-`./configure --help` for a full list of options.
- # For development
- ./configure --enable-debug
- # For production
- ./configure
-Build PHP. To speed up the build, specify the maximum number of jobs using `-j`:
- make -j4
-The number of jobs should usually match the number of available cores, which
-can be determined using `nproc`.
-## Testing PHP source code
-PHP ships with an extensive test suite, the command `make test` is used after
-successful compilation of the sources to run this test suite.
-It is possible to run tests using multiple cores by setting `-jN` in
- make TEST_PHP_ARGS=-j4 test
-Shall run `make test` with a maximum of 4 concurrent jobs: Generally the maximum
-number of jobs should not exceed the number of cores available.
-The [qa.php.net](https://qa.php.net) site provides more detailed info about
-testing and quality assurance.
-## Installing PHP built from source
-After a successful build (and test), PHP may be installed with:
- make install
-Depending on your permissions and prefix, `make install` may need super user
-## PHP extensions
-Extensions provide additional functionality on top of PHP. PHP consists of many
-essential bundled extensions. Additional extensions can be found in the PHP
-Extension Community Library - [PECL](https://pecl.php.net).
-## Contributing
-The PHP source code is located in the Git repository at
-[github.com/php/php-src](https://github.com/php/php-src). Contributions are most
-welcome by forking the repository and sending a pull request.
-Discussions are done on GitHub, but depending on the topic can also be relayed
-to the official PHP developer mailing list internals@lists.php.net.
-New features require an RFC and must be accepted by the developers. See
-[Request for comments - RFC](https://wiki.php.net/rfc) and
-[Voting on PHP features](https://wiki.php.net/rfc/voting) for more information
-on the process.
-Bug fixes don't require an RFC. If the bug has a GitHub issue, reference it in
-the commit message using `GH-NNNNNN`. Use `#NNNNNN` for tickets in the old
-[bugs.php.net](https://bugs.php.net) bug tracker.
- Fix GH-7815: php_uname doesn't recognise latest Windows versions
- Fix #55371: get_magic_quotes_gpc() throws deprecation warning
-See [Git workflow](https://wiki.php.net/vcs/gitworkflow) for details on how pull
-requests are merged.
-### Guidelines for contributors
-See further documents in the repository for more information on how to
-- [Contributing to PHP](/CONTRIBUTING.md)
-- [PHP coding standards](/CODING_STANDARDS.md)
-- [Mailing list rules](/docs/mailinglist-rules.md)
-- [PHP release process](/docs/release-process.md)
-## Credits
-For the list of people who've put work into PHP, please see the
-[PHP credits page](https://php.net/credits.php).
+PHP 是一个广泛使用的开源脚本语言,主要用于 Web 开发并可嵌入到 HTML 中。自从其首次发布以来,PHP 已经成为 Web 开发中最受欢迎的服务器端语言之一。它的主要特点是简单易学,同时提供了强大的库和框架,如 Laravel、Symfony 和 WordPress,帮助开发者快速构建复杂的 Web 应用。PHP 运行在服务器上,与数据库如 MySQL、MariaDB 和 PostgreSQL 等无缝集成,使得创建动态网站和应用变得简单高效。
diff --git a/apps/php7/README.md b/apps/php7/README.md
index dd5ad22c..e8bf396d 100644
--- a/apps/php7/README.md
+++ b/apps/php7/README.md
@@ -1,126 +1,3 @@
-# The PHP Interpreter
+## PHP
-PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to
-web development. Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your
-blog to the most popular websites in the world. PHP is distributed under the
-## Documentation
-The PHP manual is available at [php.net/docs](https://php.net/docs).
-## Installation
-### Prebuilt packages and binaries
-Prebuilt packages and binaries can be used to get up and running fast with PHP.
-For Windows, the PHP binaries can be obtained from
-[windows.php.net](https://windows.php.net). After extracting the archive the
-`*.exe` files are ready to use.
-For other systems, see the [installation chapter](https://php.net/install).
-### Building PHP source code
-*For Windows, see [Build your own PHP on Windows](https://wiki.php.net/internals/windows/stepbystepbuild_sdk_2).*
-For a minimal PHP build from Git, you will need autoconf, bison, and re2c. For
-a default build, you will additionally need libxml2 and libsqlite3.
-On Ubuntu, you can install these using:
- sudo apt install -y pkg-config build-essential autoconf bison re2c \
- libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev
-On Fedora, you can install these using:
- sudo dnf install re2c bison autoconf make libtool ccache libxml2-devel sqlite-devel
-Generate configure:
- ./buildconf
-Configure your build. `--enable-debug` is recommended for development, see
-`./configure --help` for a full list of options.
- # For development
- ./configure --enable-debug
- # For production
- ./configure
-Build PHP. To speed up the build, specify the maximum number of jobs using `-j`:
- make -j4
-The number of jobs should usually match the number of available cores, which
-can be determined using `nproc`.
-## Testing PHP source code
-PHP ships with an extensive test suite, the command `make test` is used after
-successful compilation of the sources to run this test suite.
-It is possible to run tests using multiple cores by setting `-jN` in
- make TEST_PHP_ARGS=-j4 test
-Shall run `make test` with a maximum of 4 concurrent jobs: Generally the maximum
-number of jobs should not exceed the number of cores available.
-The [qa.php.net](https://qa.php.net) site provides more detailed info about
-testing and quality assurance.
-## Installing PHP built from source
-After a successful build (and test), PHP may be installed with:
- make install
-Depending on your permissions and prefix, `make install` may need super user
-## PHP extensions
-Extensions provide additional functionality on top of PHP. PHP consists of many
-essential bundled extensions. Additional extensions can be found in the PHP
-Extension Community Library - [PECL](https://pecl.php.net).
-## Contributing
-The PHP source code is located in the Git repository at
-[github.com/php/php-src](https://github.com/php/php-src). Contributions are most
-welcome by forking the repository and sending a pull request.
-Discussions are done on GitHub, but depending on the topic can also be relayed
-to the official PHP developer mailing list internals@lists.php.net.
-New features require an RFC and must be accepted by the developers. See
-[Request for comments - RFC](https://wiki.php.net/rfc) and
-[Voting on PHP features](https://wiki.php.net/rfc/voting) for more information
-on the process.
-Bug fixes don't require an RFC. If the bug has a GitHub issue, reference it in
-the commit message using `GH-NNNNNN`. Use `#NNNNNN` for tickets in the old
-[bugs.php.net](https://bugs.php.net) bug tracker.
- Fix GH-7815: php_uname doesn't recognise latest Windows versions
- Fix #55371: get_magic_quotes_gpc() throws deprecation warning
-See [Git workflow](https://wiki.php.net/vcs/gitworkflow) for details on how pull
-requests are merged.
-### Guidelines for contributors
-See further documents in the repository for more information on how to
-- [Contributing to PHP](/CONTRIBUTING.md)
-- [PHP coding standards](/CODING_STANDARDS.md)
-- [Mailing list rules](/docs/mailinglist-rules.md)
-- [PHP release process](/docs/release-process.md)
-## Credits
-For the list of people who've put work into PHP, please see the
-[PHP credits page](https://php.net/credits.php).
+PHP 是一个广泛使用的开源脚本语言,主要用于 Web 开发并可嵌入到 HTML 中。自从其首次发布以来,PHP 已经成为 Web 开发中最受欢迎的服务器端语言之一。它的主要特点是简单易学,同时提供了强大的库和框架,如 Laravel、Symfony 和 WordPress,帮助开发者快速构建复杂的 Web 应用。PHP 运行在服务器上,与数据库如 MySQL、MariaDB 和 PostgreSQL 等无缝集成,使得创建动态网站和应用变得简单高效。
diff --git a/apps/php8/README.md b/apps/php8/README.md
index dd5ad22c..e8bf396d 100644
--- a/apps/php8/README.md
+++ b/apps/php8/README.md
@@ -1,126 +1,3 @@
-# The PHP Interpreter
+## PHP
-PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to
-web development. Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your
-blog to the most popular websites in the world. PHP is distributed under the
-## Documentation
-The PHP manual is available at [php.net/docs](https://php.net/docs).
-## Installation
-### Prebuilt packages and binaries
-Prebuilt packages and binaries can be used to get up and running fast with PHP.
-For Windows, the PHP binaries can be obtained from
-[windows.php.net](https://windows.php.net). After extracting the archive the
-`*.exe` files are ready to use.
-For other systems, see the [installation chapter](https://php.net/install).
-### Building PHP source code
-*For Windows, see [Build your own PHP on Windows](https://wiki.php.net/internals/windows/stepbystepbuild_sdk_2).*
-For a minimal PHP build from Git, you will need autoconf, bison, and re2c. For
-a default build, you will additionally need libxml2 and libsqlite3.
-On Ubuntu, you can install these using:
- sudo apt install -y pkg-config build-essential autoconf bison re2c \
- libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev
-On Fedora, you can install these using:
- sudo dnf install re2c bison autoconf make libtool ccache libxml2-devel sqlite-devel
-Generate configure:
- ./buildconf
-Configure your build. `--enable-debug` is recommended for development, see
-`./configure --help` for a full list of options.
- # For development
- ./configure --enable-debug
- # For production
- ./configure
-Build PHP. To speed up the build, specify the maximum number of jobs using `-j`:
- make -j4
-The number of jobs should usually match the number of available cores, which
-can be determined using `nproc`.
-## Testing PHP source code
-PHP ships with an extensive test suite, the command `make test` is used after
-successful compilation of the sources to run this test suite.
-It is possible to run tests using multiple cores by setting `-jN` in
- make TEST_PHP_ARGS=-j4 test
-Shall run `make test` with a maximum of 4 concurrent jobs: Generally the maximum
-number of jobs should not exceed the number of cores available.
-The [qa.php.net](https://qa.php.net) site provides more detailed info about
-testing and quality assurance.
-## Installing PHP built from source
-After a successful build (and test), PHP may be installed with:
- make install
-Depending on your permissions and prefix, `make install` may need super user
-## PHP extensions
-Extensions provide additional functionality on top of PHP. PHP consists of many
-essential bundled extensions. Additional extensions can be found in the PHP
-Extension Community Library - [PECL](https://pecl.php.net).
-## Contributing
-The PHP source code is located in the Git repository at
-[github.com/php/php-src](https://github.com/php/php-src). Contributions are most
-welcome by forking the repository and sending a pull request.
-Discussions are done on GitHub, but depending on the topic can also be relayed
-to the official PHP developer mailing list internals@lists.php.net.
-New features require an RFC and must be accepted by the developers. See
-[Request for comments - RFC](https://wiki.php.net/rfc) and
-[Voting on PHP features](https://wiki.php.net/rfc/voting) for more information
-on the process.
-Bug fixes don't require an RFC. If the bug has a GitHub issue, reference it in
-the commit message using `GH-NNNNNN`. Use `#NNNNNN` for tickets in the old
-[bugs.php.net](https://bugs.php.net) bug tracker.
- Fix GH-7815: php_uname doesn't recognise latest Windows versions
- Fix #55371: get_magic_quotes_gpc() throws deprecation warning
-See [Git workflow](https://wiki.php.net/vcs/gitworkflow) for details on how pull
-requests are merged.
-### Guidelines for contributors
-See further documents in the repository for more information on how to
-- [Contributing to PHP](/CONTRIBUTING.md)
-- [PHP coding standards](/CODING_STANDARDS.md)
-- [Mailing list rules](/docs/mailinglist-rules.md)
-- [PHP release process](/docs/release-process.md)
-## Credits
-For the list of people who've put work into PHP, please see the
-[PHP credits page](https://php.net/credits.php).
+PHP 是一个广泛使用的开源脚本语言,主要用于 Web 开发并可嵌入到 HTML 中。自从其首次发布以来,PHP 已经成为 Web 开发中最受欢迎的服务器端语言之一。它的主要特点是简单易学,同时提供了强大的库和框架,如 Laravel、Symfony 和 WordPress,帮助开发者快速构建复杂的 Web 应用。PHP 运行在服务器上,与数据库如 MySQL、MariaDB 和 PostgreSQL 等无缝集成,使得创建动态网站和应用变得简单高效。
diff --git a/apps/redis/README.md b/apps/redis/README.md
index cd5db1d9..8fcff0fa 100644
--- a/apps/redis/README.md
+++ b/apps/redis/README.md
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-What is Redis?
+## Redis
-Redis is often referred to as a *data structures* server. What this means is that Redis provides access to mutable data structures via a set of commands, which are sent using a *server-client* model with TCP sockets and a simple protocol. So different processes can query and modify the same data structures in a shared way.
-Data structures implemented into Redis have a few special properties:
-* Redis cares to store them on disk, even if they are always served and modified into the server memory. This means that Redis is fast, but that it is also non-volatile.
-* The implementation of data structures emphasizes memory efficiency, so data structures inside Redis will likely use less memory compared to the same data structure modelled using a high-level programming language.
-* Redis offers a number of features that are natural to find in a database, like replication, tunable levels of durability, clustering, and high availability.
-Another good example is to think of Redis as a more complex version of memcached, where the operations are not just SETs and GETs, but operations that work with complex data types like Lists, Sets, ordered data structures, and so forth.
-If you want to know more, this is a list of selected starting points:
-* Introduction to Redis data types. https://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro
-* Try Redis directly inside your browser. https://try.redis.io
-* The full list of Redis commands. https://redis.io/commands
-* There is much more inside the official Redis documentation. https://redis.io/documentation
+Redis 是一个开源的、内存中的数据结构存储系统,可用作数据库、缓存和消息代理。它支持多种数据结构,如字符串、哈希、列表、集合、有序集合、位图、hyperloglogs 和地理空间索引。由于其高性能和低延迟特性,Redis 被广泛用于各种应用中,特别是需要快速数据访问的场景。除了内存存储,Redis 还提供了持久化功能,确保数据的安全性。其丰富的 API 和广泛的客户端库使得 Redis 可以轻松地与多种编程语言和框架集成。
diff --git a/apps/uptime-kuma/README.md b/apps/uptime-kuma/README.md
index 21a6e5fd..28fafa9a 100644
--- a/apps/uptime-kuma/README.md
+++ b/apps/uptime-kuma/README.md
@@ -4,14 +4,6 @@ Uptime Kuma is an easy-to-use self-hosted monitoring tool.
-## 🥔 Live Demo
-Try it!
-- Tokyo Demo Server: https://demo.uptime.kuma.pet (Sponsored by [Uptime Kuma Sponsors](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma#%EF%B8%8F-sponsors))
-It is a temporary live demo, all data will be deleted after 10 minutes. Use the one that is closer to you, but I suggest that you should install and try it out for the best demo experience.
## ⭐ Features
* Monitoring uptime for HTTP(s) / TCP / HTTP(s) Keyword / Ping / DNS Record / Push / Steam Game Server / Docker Containers
@@ -26,59 +18,3 @@ It is a temporary live demo, all data will be deleted after 10 minutes. Use the
* Proxy support
* 2FA support
-## 🆕 What's Next?
-I will mark requests/issues to the next milestone.
-Project Plan:
-## Motivation
-* I was looking for a self-hosted monitoring tool like "Uptime Robot", but it is hard to find a suitable one. One of the close ones is statping. Unfortunately, it is not stable and no longer maintained.
-* Want to build a fancy UI.
-* Learn Vue 3 and vite.js.
-* Show the power of Bootstrap 5.
-* Try to use WebSocket with SPA instead of REST API.
-* Deploy my first Docker image to Docker Hub.
-If you love this project, please consider giving me a ⭐.
-## 🗣️ Discussion
-### Issues Page
-You can discuss or ask for help in [issues](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues).
-### Subreddit
-My Reddit account: [u/louislamlam](https://reddit.com/u/louislamlam).
-You can mention me if you ask a question on Reddit.
-[r/Uptime kuma](https://www.reddit.com/r/UptimeKuma/)
-## Contribute
-### Test Pull Requests
-There are a lot of pull requests right now, but I don't have time to test them all.
-If you want to help, you can check this:
-### Test Beta Version
-Check out the latest beta release here: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/releases
-### Bug Reports / Feature Requests
-If you want to report a bug or request a new feature, feel free to open a [new issue](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/issues).
-### Translations
-If you want to translate Uptime Kuma into your language, please visit [Weblate Readme](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/blob/master/src/lang/README.md).
-Feel free to correct my grammar in this README, source code, or wiki, as my mother language is not English and my grammar is not that great.
-### Create Pull Requests
-If you want to modify Uptime Kuma, please read this guide and follow the rules here: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
diff --git a/apps/uuwaf/README.md b/apps/uuwaf/README.md
index 01f9230d..ef655d56 100644
--- a/apps/uuwaf/README.md
+++ b/apps/uuwaf/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
**南墙** WEB 应用防火墙(简称:`uuWAF`)一款社区驱动的免费、高性能、高扩展顶级 Web 应用安全防护产品。
-> 注意:南墙 暂不开源,直接下载编译好的二进制文件安装即可,GitHub 仓库内主要为社区贡献的规则,每次 uuWAF 发布将自动更新。
+官网: https://waf.uusec.com/
## **技术优势**
@@ -16,4 +16,13 @@
- **高级规则引擎**
- 南墙积极运用 `nginx` 和 `luajit` 的高性能、高灵活性特点,除了提供对普通用户友好性较好的传统规则创建模式,还提供了高扩展性、高灵活性的 lua 脚本规则编写功能,使得有一定编程功底的高级安全管理员可以创造出一系列传统 WAF 所不能实现的高级漏洞防护规则,用户可以编写一系列插件来扩展 WAF 现有功能。从而使得在拦截一些复杂漏洞时,可以更加得心应手。
\ No newline at end of file
+ 南墙积极运用 `nginx` 和 `luajit` 的高性能、高灵活性特点,除了提供对普通用户友好性较好的传统规则创建模式,还提供了高扩展性、高灵活性的 lua 脚本规则编写功能,使得有一定编程功底的高级安全管理员可以创造出一系列传统 WAF 所不能实现的高级漏洞防护规则,用户可以编写一系列插件来扩展 WAF 现有功能。从而使得在拦截一些复杂漏洞时,可以更加得心应手。
+## 使用
+1. 登录后台,访问https://wafip:4443 ,wafip为安装南墙的服务器ip,用户名admin,密码wafadmin
+2. 添加站点,进入站点管理菜单,点击添加站点按钮,按提示添加站点域名与网站服务器ip
+3. 添加证书,进入证书管理菜单,点击添加证书按钮,上传第二步中域名的https证书和私钥文件
+4. 将域名DNS的ip指向改为南墙服务器ip地址
+5. 访问站点域名查看网站是否能够访问
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/uuwaf/logo.png b/apps/uuwaf/logo.png
index 362333c3..f82ea82f 100644
Binary files a/apps/uuwaf/logo.png and b/apps/uuwaf/logo.png differ
diff --git a/apps/wikijs/README.md b/apps/wikijs/README.md
index c7ab7645..7c145b3f 100644
--- a/apps/wikijs/README.md
+++ b/apps/wikijs/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-##### A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS
+## Wiki.js
-Wiki.js is an open source project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by community [backers](https://js.wiki/about). If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider [becoming a sponsor](https://github.com/users/NGPixel/sponsorship), [becoming a patron](https://www.patreon.com/requarks), donating to our [OpenCollective](https://opencollective.com/wikijs), via [Paypal](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=FLV5X255Z9CJU&source=url) or via Ethereum (`0xe1d55c19ae86f6bcbfb17e7f06ace96bdbb22cb5`).
+Wiki.js 是一个现代化、开源的维基软件,基于 Node.js 构建。它提供了一个直观的用户界面和强大的编辑功能,支持 Markdown、WYSIWYG 和其他多种格式。Wiki.js 设计为自托管,允许用户在自己的服务器上部署,确保数据的私有性和安全性。其模块化的架构和插件系统使得用户可以轻松地扩展功能和定制外观。Wiki.js 还支持多种身份验证方法、版本控制和实时同步,满足现代团队的协作需求。
diff --git a/apps/wordpress/README.md b/apps/wordpress/README.md
index 6fbd4427..b131361e 100644
--- a/apps/wordpress/README.md
+++ b/apps/wordpress/README.md
@@ -1,82 +1,4 @@
-Semantic Personal Publishing Platform
+## WordPress
-First Things First
-Welcome. WordPress is a very special project to me. Every developer and contributor adds something unique to the mix, and together we create something beautiful that I am proud to be a part of. Thousands of hours have gone into WordPress, and we are dedicated to making it better every day. Thank you for making it part of your world.
-— Matt Mullenweg
+WordPress 是一个开源的内容管理系统(CMS),广泛用于建立博客和商业网站。它提供了一个用户友好的界面,使得即使是非技术人员也能轻松创建和管理网站。WordPress 拥有丰富的插件和主题生态系统,允许用户定制网站的功能和外观。
-Installation: Famous 5-minute install
- - Unzip the package in an empty directory and upload everything.
- - Open wp-admin/install.php in your browser. It will take you through the process to set up a
file with your database connection details.
- - If for some reason this does not work, do not worry. It may not work on all web hosts. Open up
with a text editor like WordPad or similar and fill in your database connection details.
- - Save the file as
and upload it.
- - Open wp-admin/install.php in your browser.
- - Once the configuration file is set up, the installer will set up the tables needed for your site. If there is an error, double check your
file, and try again. If it fails again, please go to the WordPress support forums with as much data as you can gather.
- - If you did not enter a password, note the password given to you. If you did not provide a username, it will be
- - The installer should then send you to the login page. Sign in with the username and password you chose during the installation. If a password was generated for you, you can then click on “Profile” to change the password.
-Using the Automatic Updater
- - Open wp-admin/update-core.php in your browser and follow the instructions.
- - You wanted more, perhaps? That’s it!
-Updating Manually
- - Before you update anything, make sure you have backup copies of any files you may have modified such as
- - Delete your old WordPress files, saving ones you’ve modified.
- - Upload the new files.
- - Point your browser to /wp-admin/upgrade.php.
-Migrating from other systems
-WordPress can import from a number of systems. First you need to get WordPress installed and working as described above, before using our import tools.
-System Requirements
- - PHP version 5.6.20 or greater.
- - MySQL version 5.0 or greater.
-Online Resources
-If you have any questions that are not addressed in this document, please take advantage of WordPress’ numerous online resources:
- - HelpHub
- - HelpHub is the encyclopedia of all things WordPress. It is the most comprehensive source of information for WordPress available.
- - The WordPress Blog
- - This is where you’ll find the latest updates and news related to WordPress. Recent WordPress news appears in your administrative dashboard by default.
- - WordPress Planet
- - The WordPress Planet is a news aggregator that brings together posts from WordPress blogs around the web.
- - WordPress Support Forums
- - If you’ve looked everywhere and still cannot find an answer, the support forums are very active and have a large community ready to help. To help them help you be sure to use a descriptive thread title and describe your question in as much detail as possible.
- - WordPress IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Channel
- - There is an online chat channel that is used for discussion among people who use WordPress and occasionally support topics. The above wiki page should point you in the right direction. (irc.libera.chat #wordpress)
-Final Notes
- - If you have any suggestions, ideas, or comments, or if you (gasp!) found a bug, join us in the Support Forums.
- - WordPress has a robust plugin API (Application Programming Interface) that makes extending the code easy. If you are a developer interested in utilizing this, see the Plugin Developer Handbook. You shouldn’t modify any of the core code.
-Share the Love
-WordPress has no multi-million dollar marketing campaign or celebrity sponsors, but we do have something even better—you. If you enjoy WordPress please consider telling a friend, setting it up for someone less knowledgeable than yourself, or writing the author of a media article that overlooks us.
-WordPress is the official continuation of b2/cafélog, which came from Michel V. The work has been continued by the WordPress developers. If you would like to support WordPress, please consider donating.
-WordPress is free software, and is released under the terms of the GPL (GNU General Public License) version 2 or (at your option) any later version. See license.txt.