additionalProperties: formFields: - default: 40021 edit: true envKey: PANEL_APP_PORT_HTTP labelEn: WebUI Port labelZh: 网页端口 required: true rule: paramPort type: number - default: '' edit: true envKey: ACCESS_TOKEN labelEn: OPENAI ACCESS TOKEN (fill in at least one with OPENAI API KEY)( labelZh: OPENAI ACCESS TOKEN(与OPENAI API KEY至少填一个)( required: false type: text - default: edit: true envKey: REVERSE_PROXY labelEn: API reverse proxy, optional (enabled by default when OPENAI ACCESS TOKEN, need to pay attention to availability) labelZh: API反向代理,可选(OPENAI ACCESS TOKEN时默认启用,需要注意可用性) required: false type: text - default: '' edit: true envKey: API_KEY labelEn: OPENAI API KEY (fill in at least one with OPENAI ACCESS TOKEN) labelZh: OPENAI API KEY(与OPENAI ACCESS TOKEN至少填一个) required: false type: text - default: gpt-3.5-turbo edit: true envKey: API_MODEL labelEn: API model, optional, available when setting OPENAI API KEY( labelZh: API模型,可选,设置OPENAI API KEY时可用( required: false type: text - default: edit: true envKey: API_BASE_URL labelEn: API interface address, optional, available when setting OPENAI API KEY labelZh: API接口地址,可选,设置OPENAI API KEY时可用 required: false type: text - default: chatgptweb edit: true envKey: SECRET_KEY labelEn: Access rights key, optional (recommended) labelZh: 访问权限密钥,可选(强烈建议填写) random: true required: false rule: paramComplexity type: password - default: '0' edit: true envKey: REQUEST_LIMIT labelEn: Maximum number of requests per hour, optional, default unlimited labelZh: 每小时最大请求次数,可选,默认无限 required: false type: text - default: '60000' edit: true envKey: TIMEOUT labelEn: Timeout, in milliseconds, optional labelZh: 超时,单位毫秒,可选 required: false type: text - default: '' edit: true envKey: PROXY_HOST labelEn: Socks proxy address, optional, effective when combined with Socks proxy port labelZh: Socks代理地址,可选,和Socks代理端口一起时生效 required: false type: text - default: '' edit: true envKey: PROXY_PORT labelEn: Socks proxy port, optional, effective when combined with Socks proxy address labelZh: Socks代理端口,可选,和Socks代理地址一起时生效 required: false type: text - default: '' edit: true envKey: PROXY_USERNAME labelEn: Socks proxy user name, optional, effective when combined with Socks proxy address labelZh: Socks代理用户名,可选,和Socks代理地址一起时生效 required: false type: text - default: '' edit: true envKey: PROXY_PASSWORD labelEn: Socks proxy password, optional, effective when combined with Socks proxy address labelZh: Socks代理密码,可选,和Socks代理地址一起时生效 required: false type: text - default: '' edit: true envKey: HTTPS_PROXY labelEn: HTTPS proxy, optional, supports http, https, socks5 labelZh: HTTPS代理,可选,支持http,https,socks5 required: false type: text