发布应用 Iframely 应用

Signed-off-by: 萌森 <qyg2297248353@163.com>
This commit is contained in:
萌森 2024-08-07 13:42:55 +08:00
parent b987471e58
commit ca608c3c41
9 changed files with 492 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
import {fileURLToPath} from 'url';
import {dirname} from 'path';
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = dirname(__filename);
// Optional SSL cert, if you serve under HTTPS.
const ssl_key = const file = await readFile(new URL('./key.pem', import.meta.url), {encoding: 'utf8'});
const ssl_cert = await readFile(new URL('./cert.pem', import.meta.url), {encoding: 'utf8'});
export default {
// Specify a path for custom plugins. Custom plugins will override core plugins.
// CUSTOM_PLUGINS_PATH: __dirname + '/yourcustom-plugin-folder',
DEBUG: false,
// For embeds that require render, baseAppUrl will be used as the host.
baseAppUrl: "http://localhost:8061", // use "https://yourdomain.com/path" where you have Iframely in your reverse proxy
relativeStaticUrl: "/r",
// Or just skip built-in renders altogether
// For legacy reasons the response format of Iframely open-source is
// different by default as it does not group the links array by rel.
// In order to get the same grouped response as in Cloud API,
// add `&group=true` to your request to change response per request
// or set `GROUP_LINKS` in your config to `true` for a global change.
// Number of maximum redirects to follow before aborting the page
// request with `redirect loop` error.
// /^https?:\/\/yourdomain\.com\//,
// Used to pass parameters to the generate functions when creating HTML elements
// disableSizeWrapper: Don't wrap element (iframe, video, etc) in a positioned div
disableSizeWrapper: true
port: 8061, //can be overridden by PORT env var
host: '', // Dockers beware. See https://github.com/itteco/iframely/issues/132#issuecomment-242991246
//can be overridden by HOST env var
// Optional SSL cert, if you serve under HTTPS.
ssl: {
key: ssl_key,
cert: ssl_cert,
port: 443
Supported cache engines:
- no-cache - no caching will be used.
- node-cache - good for debug, node memory will be used (https://github.com/tcs-de/nodecache).
- redis - https://github.com/mranney/node_redis.
- memcached - https://github.com/3rd-Eden/node-memcached
CACHE_ENGINE: 'node-cache',
CACHE_TTL: 0, // In seconds.
// 0 = 'never expire' for memcached & node-cache to let cache engine decide itself when to evict the record
// 0 = 'no cache' for redis. Use high enough (e.g. 365*24*60*60*1000) ttl for similar 'never expire' approach instead
// Redis mode (cluster or standard)
REDIS_MODE: 'standard',
// Redis cache options.
socket: {
host: '',
port: 6379
// Redis cluster options.
servers: [
host: '',
port: 6379
// ...
// Memcached options. See https://github.com/3rd-Eden/node-memcached#server-locations
locations: ""
// Access-Control-Allow-Origin list.
allowedOrigins: [
// Uncomment to enable plugin testing framework.
tests: {
mongodb: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/iframely-tests',
single_test_timeout: 10 * 1000,
plugin_test_period: 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
relaunch_script_period: 5 * 60 * 1000
// If there's no response from remote server, the timeout will occur after
RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: 5 * 1000, //ms
// Customize API calls to oembed endpoints.
// Must have: please add your `access_token` for Facebook and Instagram API calls
re: [ // Endpoint's URL regexp array.
params: { // Custom query-string params object.
// TODO: get your access Insagtam token as described
// on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram/oembed/
access_token: '', // The simplest way is
// to use `{app-id}|{app secret}` as access token
// Add any other optional params
hidecaption: true
}, {
re: [/^https:\/\/graph\.facebook\.com\/v[0-9\.]+\/oembed_page/i],
params: {
// TODO: get your access token as described
// on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/oembed
access_token: '', // The simplest way is
// to use `{app-id}|{app secret}` as access token
// Add any other optional params
show_posts: 0,
show_facepile: 0,
maxwidth: 600
}, {
// match i=user or i=moment or i=timeline to configure these types invidually
// see params spec at https://dev.twitter.com/web/embedded-timelines/oembed
re: [/^https?:\/\/publish\.twitter\.com\/oembed\?i=user/i],
params: {
limit: 1,
maxwidth: 600
}, {
// Facebook https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/oembed/
re: [/^https:\/\/graph\.facebook\.com\/v[0-9\.]+\/oembed_/i],
params: {
// TODO: get your access token as described
// on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/oembed
access_token: '', // The simplest way is
// to use `{app-id}|{app secret}` as access token
// Add any other optional params, like skip script tag and fb-root div
// omitscript: true
/* Configure use of HTTP proxies, headers as needed.
You don't have to specify all options per regex - just what you need to override
re: [/^https?:\/\/www\.domain\.com/],
// Either `proxy`, or `proxy_url`, or none.
proxy: true, // Will fetch URL via echo service configured as PROXY_URL. See below.
// proxy_url: '{url}', // Will fetch URL via this exact echo service, see below.
user_agent: 'CHANGE YOUR AGENT',
headers: {
// HTTP headers
// Overrides previous params if overlapped.
cache_ttl: 3600 // in seconds, cache response for 1 hour.
// Proxy now requires an echo service endpoint.
// See #354 and example code at
// https://gist.github.com/nleush/7916ee89f7b8d6f0cd478d7335702139
PROXY_URL: '{url}', // Iframely will add `?url=...` to this endpoint
// Customize API calls to 3rd parties. At the very least - configure required keys.
// For available provider options - please see the code of its domain plugin.
providerOptions: {
locale: "en_US", // ISO 639-1 two-letter language code, e.g. en_CA or fr_CH.
// Will be added as highest priotity in accept-language header with each request.
// Plus is used in FB, YouTube and perhaps other plugins
"twitter": {
"max-width": 550,
"min-width": 250,
hide_media: false,
hide_thread: false,
omit_script: false,
center: false,
// dnt: true,
cache_ttl: 100 * 365 * 24 * 3600 // 100 Years.
readability: {
enabled: false
// allowPTagDescription: true // to enable description fallback to first paragraph
images: {
loadSize: false, // if true, will try an load first bytes of all images to get/confirm the sizes
checkFavicon: false // if true, will verify all favicons
tumblr: {
consumer_key: "INSERT YOUR VALUE"
// media_only: true // disables status embeds for images and videos - will return plain media
google: {
// https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/guide#api_key
// Optional Camo Proxy to wrap all images: https://github.com/atmos/camo
camoProxy: {
camo_proxy_key: "INSERT YOUR VALUE",
camo_proxy_host: "INSERT YOUR VALUE"
// ssl_only: true // will only proxy non-ssl images
// List of query parameters to add to YouTube and Vimeo frames
// Start it with leading "?". Or omit alltogether for default values
// API key is optional, youtube will work without it too.
// It is probably the same API key you use for Google Maps.
youtube: {
// api_key: "INSERT YOUR VALUE",
// parts: [ "snippet", "player" ], // list of fields you want to use in the request, in most cases you only need those two
get_params: "?rel=0&showinfo=1", // https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters,
fix_shorts_in_eu: true // Avoid consent redirect for EU servers
vimeo: {
get_params: "?byline=0&badge=0" // https://developer.vimeo.com/player/embedding
soundcloud: {
old_player: true // enables classic player
giphy: {
media_only: true // disables branded player for gifs and returns just the image
bandcamp: {
get_params: '/size=large/bgcol=333333/linkcol=ffffff/artwork=small/transparent=true/',
media: {
album: {
height: 472,
'max-width': 700
track: {
height: 120,
'max-width': 700
// Docs: https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/embed/video-and-clips
twitch: {
parent: 'jsbin.com, null.jsbin.com, localhost'
// WHITELIST_WILDCARD, if present, will be added to whitelist as record for top level domain: "*"
// with it, you can define what parsers do when they run accross unknown publisher.
// If absent or empty, all generic media parsers will be disabled except for known domains
// More about format: https://iframely.com/docs/qa-format
"twitter": {
"player": "allow",
"photo": "deny"
"oembed": {
"video": "allow",
"photo": "allow",
"rich": "deny",
"link": "deny"
"og": {
"video": ["allow", "ssl", "responsive"]
"iframely": {
"survey": "allow",
"reader": "allow",
"player": "allow",
"image": "allow"
"html-meta": {
"video": ["allow", "responsive"],
"promo": "allow"
// The list of regexs to be ignored. Iframely will return 417
// At minimum, keep your localhosts ignored to avoid SSRF
/^https?:\/\/[^\/]+:\d+\/?/, // Blocks port-scan via DNS pointing to
// And this is AWS metadata service
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html
// Endpoint for prerender service, if you need it. Used to parse React apps. Very slow.
// Tested with https://github.com/prerender/prerender
// PRERENDER_URL: "https://domain/render?url="

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
- default: "/home/iframely"
edit: true
labelZh: 数据持久化路径
labelEn: Data persistence path
required: true
type: text
- default: 8061
edit: true
labelZh: WebUI 端口
labelEn: WebUI port
required: true
rule: paramPort
type: number
- default: ""
edit: true
labelZh: 网络代理
labelEn: Network Proxy
required: false
type: text

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
version: "3.8"
external: true
image: qyg2297248353/iframely:v2.4.3
container_name: ${CONTAINER_NAME}
createdBy: "Apps"
restart: always
- 1panel-network
- /etc/1panel/envs/global.env
- ${ENV_FILE:-/etc/1panel/envs/default.env}
- ./config/config.local.js:/iframely/config.local.js
- NODE_ENV=production

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
if [ -f .env ]; then
source .env
# setup-1 add default values
sed -i '/^ENV_FILE=/d' .env
echo "ENV_FILE=${CURRENT_DIR}/.env" >> .env
echo "Check Finish."
echo "Error: .env file not found."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
if [ -f .env ]; then
source .env
echo "Check Finish."
echo "Error: .env file not found."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
if [ -f .env ]; then
source .env
# setup-1 add default values
sed -i '/^ENV_FILE=/d' .env
echo "ENV_FILE=${CURRENT_DIR}/.env" >> .env
echo "Check Finish."
echo "Error: .env file not found."

apps/iframely/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Iframely
<img height="128px" src="https://file.lifebus.top/imgs/iframely_logo.png" width="128px"/>
iframely 是针对所有各种富媒体嵌入和 URL 数据的统一交付服务。
## 特点
+ 最佳富媒体
iframely 了解来自 1900 多家出版商的富媒体并且还在不断增加。视频、音频、应用程序、照片和图像、幻灯片、播放列表、播客、地图、3D、表格、文档、谜题、测验、图表和信息图表。您会自动获得所有新的发布商。
## API 端点
+ 请求示例
```http request
+ 响应示例
"url": "https://vimeo.com/141567420",
"type": "video",
"version": "1.0",
"title": "Input/Output",
"description": "A new short from Terri Timely and Park Pictures",
"author": "Terri Timely",
"author_url": "https://vimeo.com/user1946955",
"provider_name": "Vimeo",
"thumbnail_url": "https://i.vimeocdn.com/…5aebf015a6472-d_295x166",
"thumbnail_width": 295,
"thumbnail_height": 166,
"html": "<div style=\"left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%;\"><iframe src=\"https://player.vimeo.com/video/141567420\"style=\"top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;\"></iframe></div>"
![Ms Studio](https://file.lifebus.top/imgs/ms_blank_001.png)

apps/iframely/data.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
name: Iframely
title: 响应式 Web 嵌入和 URL 元的 Iframely API
description: 响应式 Web 嵌入和 URL 元的 Iframely API
key: iframely
name: Iframely
- Tool
- Middleware
- Local
shortDescZh: 响应式 Web 嵌入和 URL 元的 Iframely API
shortDescEn: Responsive Web Embeds and URL Meta with Iframely API
type: tool
crossVersionUpdate: true
limit: 0
website: https://iframely.com/
github: https://github.com/itteco/iframely/
document: https://iframely.com/docs/

apps/iframely/logo.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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